[opt] frame #12: 0x0000000101725518 libscopehal.dylib`sigc::internal::signal_emit<void, void>::emit(impl=<unavailable>) at signal.h:366:7 [opt] frame #13: 0x00000001018ddbfc libscopehal.dylib`FilterParameter::ParseString(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, bool) [inlined] sigc::signal_with_accumulator<void, void>::emit(this=<unavailable>) const at signal.h:493:12 [opt] crash while trying
to import a CSV with frequency,dB data
<josHua> joshua@samskara:~/work/scopehal/scopehal-apps/build$ head -n4 dho4000_spectrum_mag.csv Frequency (Hz),Amplitude (dB) 10004121,0.0 30010932,-0.06460313776179083 50017743,-0.11642853553906152
hmm interesting. i'll have a look, if nothing else we shouldnt be aborting with throws on malformed csv
file a ticket, at minimum we should abort the parsing and continue running the app
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<azonenberg> @fredzo_72653 @josHua So i'm probably going to merge this as is once i finish reading unless i find any major issues. I do have some requests for you to do soon though
<azonenberg> first, don't hard code colors and add preferences for them as needed
<azonenberg> second, don't hard code dimensions because this causes problems with large fonts, hi-dpi, etc. always make UI elements be scaled as a function of the font size
<josHua> ACK on both counts
<azonenberg> (i'd rather have it merged without those changes than continue to diverge though, because i want to start building on your work sooner rather than later)
<azonenberg> Oh and since this is modern C++ use nullptr rather than NULL in new code
<josHua> is it preferred to test for equality with nullptr or just use a pointer as truthy?
<azonenberg> I have no preference
<azonenberg> depends on what you think makes the code more readable
<josHua> I always prefer pointers to be truthy 🙂
<azonenberg> @josHua Just pulled your PR into my local dev copy, going to poke at it a bit
<azonenberg> One -Werror build failure, looks like an easy fix
<azonenberg> Let's see... It doesn't handle multiple streams well
<azonenberg> i think you're not using unique imgui ids here
<azonenberg> probably an easy fix i'll look into it shortly
<azonenberg> i also think we probably should not expand the tree nodes for channels by default, or maybe gate the default-expand by channel count or something
<azonenberg> ok yeah that was a non-unique-ID issue
<azonenberg> I have one of my lecroy scopes triggering at ~8 WFM/s right now and the "triggered" / "armed" flickering constantly is really annoying
<azonenberg> so we definitely need a way to gate that
<azonenberg> I hit "stop" on the lecroy and the badge is stuck in the "triggered" state
The Rigol DS1054's do that too, flashing between RUN/STOP and SINGLE on each captuer and getting a pretty low WFM/s even on lower memory depths and it's just worse and worse for higher depths,
<azonenberg> (while triggering)
the LXI interface is awful
lethalbit: i specifically meant using the new stream browser code
having the badge in ngscopeclient flickering is intolerable to me
So we need some way to pulse-stretch state changes
yeah fair
I only half-read, sorry :v
just woke up
i.e. any toggles faster than X Hz need to render as a steady "active" state
yee, fair
Oh, I built a fresh copy last night, liking the UI changes so far
there are still some floating window management issues, where sometimes they'll just, get *suck* on a desktop and be unable to be moved or closed, so that's fun
oh fun
i know there are a few windows, like BERT properties
that you can close and never get back
there's no way to reopen them
but most of those were slated for folding into the stream browser
[scopehal-apps] jwise d448bbd - WIP: StreamBrowserDialog gets support for some rich UI on oscilloscopes
[scopehal-apps] jwise 444643f - refactor info link, to be used elsewhere soon
[scopehal-apps] jwise 51a63c9 - refactor renderBadge, and only render a badge if there is enough space, and fall back on a shorter string if there is not
[scopehal-apps] ... and 20 more commits.
azonenberg, we could do the pulse-stretching thing on triggered/armed -> running. I guess that could be done with a token bucket or something. can you file a bug for that?
or with analogous hysteresis around retriggering time
joshua_: yeah we can work out the specifics of exactly how to do it later
but it can't stay like this :p
I have a bunch of things I need to do over the next few weeks associated with preparing the X1Plus Expansion Board for launch, so I am not sure how much ngscopeclient bandwidth I am going to have
I'm working on adding performance profiling to the filter graph so i have a centralized way to track how long each filter is taking to run to find targets for optimization without needing to be running VTune all the time
then will start doing some serious work on the sidebar
[scopehal-apps] azonenberg 5711d44 - MainWindow: fixed some bugs related to handling of null transport in in add-instrument menu. Fixes #777.