azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: ngscopeclient, libscopehal, and libscopeprotocols development and testing | | Logs:
<d1b2> <josHua> hm
<d1b2> <josHua> frame #9: 0x00000001937c0b88 libc++.1.dylib`std::__1::__throw_invalid_argument[abi:ue170006](char const*) + 72 frame #10: 0x00000001937be248 libc++.1.dylib`std::__1::stoll(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, unsigned long*, int) + 488 frame #11: 0x000000010101d754 libscopeprotocols.dylib`CSVImportFilter::OnFileNameChanged(this=<unavailable>) at CSVImportFilter.cpp:216:28
<d1b2> [opt] frame #12: 0x0000000101725518 libscopehal.dylib`sigc::internal::signal_emit<void, void>::emit(impl=<unavailable>) at signal.h:366:7 [opt] frame #13: 0x00000001018ddbfc libscopehal.dylib`FilterParameter::ParseString(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>> const&, bool) [inlined] sigc::signal_with_accumulator<void, void>::emit(this=<unavailable>) const at signal.h:493:12 [opt] crash while trying
<d1b2> to import a CSV with frequency,dB data
<d1b2> <josHua> joshua@samskara:~/work/scopehal/scopehal-apps/build$ head -n4 dho4000_spectrum_mag.csv Frequency (Hz),Amplitude (dB) 10004121,0.0 30010932,-0.06460313776179083 50017743,-0.11642853553906152
<azonenberg> hmm interesting. i'll have a look, if nothing else we shouldnt be aborting with throws on malformed csv
<azonenberg> file a ticket, at minimum we should abort the parsing and continue running the app
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<d1b2> <azonenberg> @fredzo_72653 @josHua So i'm probably going to merge this as is once i finish reading unless i find any major issues. I do have some requests for you to do soon though
<d1b2> <azonenberg> first, don't hard code colors and add preferences for them as needed
<d1b2> <azonenberg> second, don't hard code dimensions because this causes problems with large fonts, hi-dpi, etc. always make UI elements be scaled as a function of the font size
<d1b2> <josHua> ACK on both counts
<d1b2> <azonenberg> (i'd rather have it merged without those changes than continue to diverge though, because i want to start building on your work sooner rather than later)
<d1b2> <azonenberg> Oh and since this is modern C++ use nullptr rather than NULL in new code
<d1b2> <josHua> is it preferred to test for equality with nullptr or just use a pointer as truthy?
<d1b2> <azonenberg> I have no preference
<d1b2> <azonenberg> depends on what you think makes the code more readable
<d1b2> <josHua> I always prefer pointers to be truthy 🙂
<d1b2> <azonenberg> @josHua Just pulled your PR into my local dev copy, going to poke at it a bit
<d1b2> <azonenberg> One -Werror build failure, looks like an easy fix
<d1b2> <azonenberg> Let's see... It doesn't handle multiple streams well
<d1b2> <azonenberg> oh wait
<d1b2> <azonenberg> i think you're not using unique imgui ids here
<d1b2> <azonenberg> probably an easy fix i'll look into it shortly
<d1b2> <azonenberg> i also think we probably should not expand the tree nodes for channels by default, or maybe gate the default-expand by channel count or something
<d1b2> <azonenberg> ok yeah that was a non-unique-ID issue
<d1b2> <azonenberg> I have one of my lecroy scopes triggering at ~8 WFM/s right now and the "triggered" / "armed" flickering constantly is really annoying
<d1b2> <azonenberg> so we definitely need a way to gate that
<d1b2> <azonenberg> I hit "stop" on the lecroy and the badge is stuck in the "triggered" state
<lethalbit> The Rigol DS1054's do that too, flashing between RUN/STOP and SINGLE on each captuer and getting a pretty low WFM/s even on lower memory depths and it's just worse and worse for higher depths,
<d1b2> <azonenberg> (while triggering)
<lethalbit> the LXI interface is awful
<azonenberg> lethalbit: i specifically meant using the new stream browser code
<azonenberg> having the badge in ngscopeclient flickering is intolerable to me
<lethalbit> oooh,
<azonenberg> So we need some way to pulse-stretch state changes
<lethalbit> yeah fair
<lethalbit> I only half-read, sorry :v
<lethalbit> just woke up
<azonenberg> i.e. any toggles faster than X Hz need to render as a steady "active" state
<lethalbit> yee, fair
<lethalbit> Oh, I built a fresh copy last night, liking the UI changes so far
<lethalbit> there are still some floating window management issues, where sometimes they'll just, get *suck* on a desktop and be unable to be moved or closed, so that's fun
<azonenberg> oh fun
<azonenberg> i know there are a few windows, like BERT properties
<azonenberg> that you can close and never get back
<azonenberg> there's no way to reopen them
<lethalbit> oof
<azonenberg> but most of those were slated for folding into the stream browser
<azonenberg> and/or becoming dockable channel properties
<lethalbit> in this case it's the waveform view thats getting stuck
<azonenberg> so i'm in no rush to fix them as-is
<lethalbit> yeah
<lethalbit> i'll look to see if there is a bug in the issue tracker about it already, if not i'll throw one together
<azonenberg> yeah as we near the v0.1 release any time we find problems i want them tracked
<azonenberg> even if we dont have time to fix on the spot
<azonenberg> bugs should not go forgotten
<lethalbit> I'll raise an issue after dinner
<azonenberg> Sounds good
<azonenberg> I'm going to merge what i have now to get the sidebar code in front of more people
<azonenberg> It definitely has rough edges and i want more eyes on it sooner rather than later
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg 1aba50e - Added more doxygen comments
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 23 commits to master [+0/-0/±32]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] jwise d448bbd - WIP: StreamBrowserDialog gets support for some rich UI on oscilloscopes
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] jwise 444643f - refactor info link, to be used elsewhere soon
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] jwise 51a63c9 - refactor renderBadge, and only render a badge if there is enough space, and fall back on a shorter string if there is not
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] ... and 20 more commits.
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #765: Rich UI support for StreamBrowserDialog on oscilloscopes -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] lethalbit opened issue #774: Floating windows occasionally get "stuck" and are unable to be closed -
<joshua_> \o/
<joshua_> azonenberg, we could do the pulse-stretching thing on triggered/armed -> running. I guess that could be done with a token bucket or something. can you file a bug for that?
<joshua_> or with analogous hysteresis around retriggering time
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #775: Sidebar "triggered" / "armed" badges can flicker very rapidly with some WFM/s speeds -
<azonenberg> joshua_: yeah we can work out the specifics of exactly how to do it later
<azonenberg> but it can't stay like this :p
<joshua_> yep
<joshua_> I have a bunch of things I need to do over the next few weeks associated with preparing the X1Plus Expansion Board for launch, so I am not sure how much ngscopeclient bandwidth I am going to have
<azonenberg> I'm working on adding performance profiling to the filter graph so i have a centralized way to track how long each filter is taking to run to find targets for optimization without needing to be running VTune all the time
<azonenberg> then will start doing some serious work on the sidebar
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #776: g_vkTransferQueue error when context menu spawns a new platform window -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #777: Regression: New instruments don't seem to update recent list -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±6]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg 197231a - FilterGraphExecutor: track per-filter runtime
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg cb21bd2 - Added more doxygen comments
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±6]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 9923605 - Initial implementation of runtime profiling for filter graph
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg commented on issue #776: g_vkTransferQueue error when context menu spawns a new platform window -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 5711d44 - MainWindow: fixed some bugs related to handling of null transport in in add-instrument menu. Fixes #777.
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #777: Regression: New instruments don't seem to update recent list -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-sigrok-bridge] amigomcu commented on issue #3: Missing build instructions, linking problems -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] mldulaney opened pull request #778: Icons -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 11 commits to master [+2/-0/±33]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] Johnsel 5f50c87 - Further cairo removal, timing of canvas polygon draw calls
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] Johnsel 9d87276 - More debug timers output to console and some null breakpoint helpers (that don't work for me :()
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] Johnsel 9d0fd93 - Most timers commented out
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] ... and 8 more commits.
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg closed pull request #893: WIP to remove Cairo and replace with canvas_ity, a header-only renderer -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg 4e0e488 - EyePattern: count both UIs and samples integrated
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-docs] azonenberg 40f892f - Documented eye pattern filter
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<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 8 commits to master [+6/-0/±82]
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] mldulaney 6c6eb44 - Icons
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] mldulaney 91ebcc5 - Icons
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] mldulaney 2510d1a - Merge branch 'ngscopeclient:master' into master
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] ... and 5 more commits.
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed pull request #778: Icons -
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<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #805: Look into lightweight rasterizer library or write our own for EyeMask, so we can ditch Cairo -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg commented on issue #805: Look into lightweight rasterizer library or write our own for EyeMask, so we can ditch Cairo -
<_whitenotifier> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #916: Consider changing scalar values to be a FilterParameter -