azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing | | Logs:
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg 68c6771 - Oscilloscope: added new HasTimebaseControls() method to support frequency-domain-only instruments
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg b54e7e8 - Added inmux attribute to scopesession file format. Fixes #629.
<_whitenotifier-e> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #629: scopesession should save upper/lower input mux selector -
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<azonenberg> ooh ADP7182s shipped
<azonenberg> that's the last part i need for the AKL-AV1
<azonenberg> boards and stencils are already here
<_whitenotifier-e> [starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+5/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-e> [starshipraider] azonenberg cd241a7 - Initial layout of AKL-AD4 is done
<_whitenotifier-e> [starshipraider] azonenberg 97cf88f - Small tweaks to AKL-AD4 from design review. Ready for fab.
<josuah> azonenberg: given that I do not find what AKL-AV1 is, I assume it os something of your doing?
<monochroma> everything AKL- is (Anti-Kernel Labs)
<josuah> what a good idea!
<josuah> putting a prefix to its names, so you can know right away where it is from
<josuah> I am considering running a small board + screen rather than trying to compile everything for OpenBSD
<josuah> not about scopehal itself, but rather the dependencies, built with Linux/Windows in mind
<josuah> (small board like a RPi+Linux)
<josuah> this ends-up much like what some vendors might be starting to do: integrate glscopeclient into their own infrastructure to provide harware with the whole scopehal+dependencies already packaged
<azonenberg> josuah: yeah the part numbers for all of my probes are AKL-*
<azonenberg> next letter is either A=active, P=passive
<azonenberg> next letter is probe input stage architecture (T=transmission line, V=FET amplifier, R = R-C divider, D=differential)
<azonenberg> then a sequentially assigned model number
<azonenberg> (which reflects the order in which i started development, not necessarily order of completion/release)
<azonenberg> So the AD4 is my fourth active differential probe design
<azonenberg> and the AV1 is my first high impedance FET probe design
<josuah> such structured references!
<azonenberg> My larger scale projects usually use code names of some sort (which may or may not end up being kept as the final name when it's done)
<azonenberg> for example, all of my oscilloscope hardware projects are named after famous EEs, especially those who made major contributions in the T&M field
<azonenberg> The one I'm closest to getting anywhere on now is ZENNECK, named after
<azonenberg> which is mostly blocked because all of the FPGAs I might be using for it are on extremely long term backorder
<azonenberg> but there is room to do more research on the frontend, which i might work on later this summer once i've knocked out some higher priority stuff
<josuah> azonenberg: are any of these things documented somewhere per chance? to save you the time of explaining it over and again
<azonenberg> is the parent repo for most of my smaller T&M hardware
<azonenberg> although i will probably make ZENNECK its own repo once it comes a bit further on, to avoid crowding this one more
<azonenberg> all of the probes currently live here
<josuah> star ship raider! \o/
<azonenberg> there's not much in the way of top level documentation
<azonenberg> That one is actually not a random codename, it's a reference to the first project in the family, currently shelved
<azonenberg> which was to be a 32 bit 500 Mbps capable digital I/O and logic analyzer / protocol analyzer type gizmo
<azonenberg> the name was {mode of transportation}{thief} + future
<azonenberg> as a pun on the infamously slow bus pirate
<josuah> wwhich is the opposite (slow) of what you seem to be used to tinker with (fast!)
<azonenberg> i may still get back to it, but it's on indefinite hold because i have several lifetimes of projects to work on and not enough time or minions
<azonenberg> yeah. That project is now named CLARKE, after the first female EE professor in the USA
<josuah> hehe, there are minions hired by other companies for working on hardware support for scope-hal iirc
<azonenberg> And still exists but has not been actively worked on for a couple of years. At the time i didn't have a good scope or VNA, so it was hard to properly characterize the i/o buffers
<azonenberg> Yes, i'm aware. I'm coordinating a bunch of that work but actively seeking more minions
<azonenberg> So far the AKL-PT5 is the most complete probe project. I need to take a bunch of photos for the user manual, write more text content for the manual, and deal with supply chain issues (as always)
<azonenberg> but i'm hoping to be ready for a full launch in the not too distant future
<josuah> I'll be a bit too busy with a small projects of mine to get me on-rail (small, but still struggling to get there) to volunteer as a minion for now
<josuah> not that I am not tempted, it is always nice to interact and discuss