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<JeanneDArc> Hi everybody, I hope this finds you in best health :)
<JeanneDArc> I am a bloody newbie to sandstorm, so please be gentle :)
<JeanneDArc> I am currently trying to install sandstorm to my server. Everything works fine so far, but for issue I'm experiencing is SMTP-wise: We are using Proton Mail and I can't receive/send test-mails in the set-up mask. Am I experiencing this for the same reason as to why gmail doesn't work with sandstorm?
<TimMc> I'm not familiar with the GMail issue.
<TimMc> « Note in our testing, Google Gmail is incompatible with the Sandstorm outbound SMTP requirements: it will modify the From header and SMTP envelope to be your personal address, rather than what the app specified. Therefore it may seem to work for the first user, but when you add other users to your server, any emails sent by their apps will appear to come from you! »
<TimMc> That's the only reference I can find regarding GMail.
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<JeanneDArc> Hi Tim, many thanks for your response :)
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<ocdtrekkie> As a note, I probably would've recommended something like the Sendgrid free tier, which is usually more than adequate.
<ocdtrekkie> I generally think a mail sending service is probably just a better choice than a general purpose email account on a large provider when doing transactional mail from a server.
<ocdtrekkie> Based on what's above though, I wonder if a Gmail account registered for the purpose would work if your server's from address was also set to the Gmail address? I don't know.
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