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<humanetech> I use Yunohost myself on a dedicated VPS. Mixed feelings. It certainly makes certain aspects to self-hosting easier. At the same time the 'layers of Yunohost' that are added to the stack as "moving parts" can become extra's that only complicate. This esp. when things aren't working smoothly. You receive a technical notification of some misconfiguration or an apticron msg or something, and now you have to deep-dive into the Yunohost way all
<humanetech> together. Or you need to update an app, but you can't as you depend on Yunohost integration that is tied to a specific version. There's a big marketplace of apps, and they are single-click installs. But how many apps do you typically run on a VPS in production? You install mostly at the beginning. Yunohost is most useful in the installation side, less in the day-to-day sysadmin side. And the SSO they rolled is awkward.
<humanetech> For a time I ran Rancher OS, which felt better, more in control, yet with less bells and whistles to make life easy. But I see that [Rancher]( has been taken over by Suse and is significantly different now.
<isd> Lyre Calliope: what time do you plan to end the livestream? I remember it going pretty late last week. I have managed to schedule a conflict until 9pm every week :/
<LyreCalliope[m]> It's been going to about 10:30 most of these weeks, but 11 is my soft cutoff.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> Via Prototype Fund (in German) I've learned about but haven't taken time to take a closer.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> From what I've heard, it's solving similar problems like Yunohost.
<ill_logic> circlebuilder: That sounds like useful stuff to put into the canned answer. I didn't realize it had that maintenance overhead.
<ill_logic> On the unhappy path
<ill_logic> Jacob Weisz: BTW it occurred to me, it sounded at some point you look at stats on installations sometimes.
<ill_logic> I should mention that I reinstall Sandstorm dev environment fairly often. I wonder if that skews your numbers.
<ocdtrekkie> I only see installation failures reported using the error reporter.
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<isd> Also, Lyre Calliope is doing a livestream in 30 min: