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<humanetech> Mention of Sandstorm as if it was stopped:
<xet7> humanetech: Thanks! I replied that Sandstorm is still maintained.
<isd> The commit you pointed at was actually on March 27 :/
<xet7> Oops I removed that date
<xet7> :D
<xet7> Good point!
<xet7> I do host many websites etc at my Sandstorm server
<xet7> it is very important
<xet7> I was surprised that now it is possible to update WordPress plugins and themes at Sandstorm :)
<isd> You have Jacob Weisz to thank for that one.
<xet7> ocdtrekkie: Thanks!
<xet7> Just thinking, should there be WordPress plugin version of WeKan?
<xet7> I have not tried yet how to make plugim, I'm not sure about Pros/Cons of WordPress platform
<xet7> plugin
<xet7> Some are converting PHP, WordPress, Drupal to WASM:
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<ocdtrekkie> My WordPress package is still very out of date, I have had a lot of personal stuff making it hard to get it actual upgraded. But yeah, plugin update is really cool.
<ocdtrekkie> @kentonv there is actually some substantiative PRs available if you had time to push a release soon.
<ocdtrekkie> A bug fix, a localization, and some improved localization support.
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