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<isd> Not quite working yet. But in addition to the actual app, it'll be a nice modern example of IpNetwork/using the powerbox.
<ocdtrekkie> ...what is it?
<isd> mpd client
<ocdtrekkie> That begs the question...
<ocdtrekkie> ...what's mpd?
<isd> "music player daemon"
<ocdtrekkie> oh. neat.
<ocdtrekkie> but as a client, you'd need a server somewhere else?
<isd> Yeah, hence the powerbox stuff
<isd> I've actually got mpd running on the same box as Sandstorm, but you can't really just run mpd in sandstorm, because sound.
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<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> <isd> "mpd client" <- So as alternative to mpc et al?
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> Can you connect to it with M.A.L.P. on Android?
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<sonata> I'm trying to set up a Sandstorm instance. I have my own domain name, and a Let's Encrypt cert for it, including the wildcard. However, the DNS is managed separately from the VPS, so it can't be handled by scripts -- anything involving adding/editing DNS records has to be done manually.
<sonata> I'm having trouble getting it to work -- I'm getting unhelpful messages like "An error occurred during a connection to <mydomain>.com." Are there any well-known gotchas that I'm likely to be running into?
<humanetech> Heads up.. someone submitted Sandstorm to HN just now:
<humanetech> Some more upvotes and it will be on the front page.
<ocdtrekkie> sonata: Are you trying to import the certificate manually into Sandstorm then? Note that the built-in Let's Encrypt support is designed to connect to your DNS provider's API to update the records.
<ocdtrekkie> circlebuilder: Woo! But also I always kindasorta wish we had that momentum exactly when we have a real cool new thing to show off.
<sonata> I don't know how I would begin trying to do that. I just tried using the install script and it Didn't Work.
<humanetech> Yes. Well, for that you can always draft a blog post to submit (since the main site URL will not be accepted if it was recently submitted).
<humanetech> Now should give some good follow-ups. Someone commenting "slowly dying".. needs to be told otherwise.
<humanetech> * Front page reached 🚀
<humanetech> Yes. Well, for that you can always draft a blog post to submit (since the main site URL will not be accepted if it was recently submitted).
<sonata> are they wrong though
<humanetech> Active contributors are best to tell. But it is not good to have those musings out on HN unanswered.
<isd> Posted some comments. At this point though, I think just getting tempest into a demoable state is going to do more to answer that impression than anything I can say
<humanetech> I see that in Tempest you intend to use WebAssembly both on front and back end. What are your impressions on the state Wasm, esp. server-side?
<isd> I'm just using it on the frontend; the backend is compiled to native code.
<isd> Use on the frontend has gone pretty smoothly
<isd> Also "intend to" makes it sounds like I haven't been actively doing it since that post was written
<isd> (In January :P)
<isd> s/sounds/sound/
<humanetech> Ha ha, yea. I didn't deep-dive code just now to tell how much into that you went :D
<humanetech> I did a recent technology survey to find uses on server-side with Component Model and WASI being developed and such. I found that, even though it is all 'early adopter' stuff, there's enough activity all around to make it worth checking out in more depth.
<humanetech> I am eyeing [wasmCloud]( to do some more experiments with.
<humanetech> It has a Wasm runtime implemented in Elixir (with an admin UI in Phoenix LiveView). Cosmonic are building a PaaS on top of wasmCloud and created this Event Sourcing app [Concordance]( which they are turning into their "Capabilities" (not capability-security related, but NFR's separated from the business logic). Their PaaS will have an "event sourcing" capability that abstracts the implemention
<humanetech> the core app you implement Actors that are handled by the `wasmcloud-otp` runtime.
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<Pxlrs> hey guys, I'm currently trying sandstorm and after successfully using curl | bash to install sandstorm i cant log in to setup with my token because of:
<Pxlrs> error.
<Pxlrs> What i've tried so far: renewed certificate, reloaded the sandstorm service.
<Pxlrs> not sure why, but http version of my custom domain let it be lets me to log into my ISP modem interface
<Pxlrs> Sys: Manjaro Linux
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<ocdtrekkie> That sounds like they are hairpinning their way to their modem web interface? Wild. It doesn't show up from the internet side which is a relief.
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<gimzmoe> Hi
<ocdtrekkie> Hello!
<ill_logic> Woah just hopped in to say I saw Sandstorm on Hacker News for no apparent reason. I see you guys noticed. If HN folks are so into it, I imagine actual new developments will get lots of attention.
<ill_logic> zenhack: Did you say if you had an idea when Tempest will be annouce-able? (Even if for demo state)
<ocdtrekkie> Gah, I hit my rate limit.
<ocdtrekkie> I wanted to tell to try it, because we'd really like to know if there's a vulnerability in it.
<ill_logic> Also zenhack: woah I'm a big MPD user. Are you adding telnet permissions to powerbox? Or is there an http interface as well?
<ocdtrekkie> (And yes, I have a shadow HN rate limit, because I offended a couple Google employees of high esteem a couple too many times.)
<ill_logic> Ryuno-Ki (André Jaenisch): M.A.L.P is a client right? As I understand zenhack is creating another client, so it wouldn't make sense to connect them.
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<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> Yes, it's another client
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<ill_logic> Ah, zenhack said ~6 months until Tempest demo in HN comments.
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<ill_logic> Oh you can grant general network access via powerbox. What's stopping Matrix from working then?
<ill_logic> Is it that you'd have to approve every single potential server you want to connect to?
<TimMc> Matrix would need inbound API access, no?
<isd> I mean, you could package up a matrix server using IpInterface (for myMPD I only need outbound access, which is IpNetwork). But then you'd have to do TLS support yourself, and use some non-443 port, and...
<TimMc> Oh, we have inbound ports now?
<isd> It's been there, I'm not sure anyone's used it though.
<TimMc> Non-443 shouldn't be a big deal, as the SRV records include both port and domain name/IP.
<TimMc> (or I guess just name, IP might not be allowed there, dunno)
<ocdtrekkie> Still first paging during wwdc keynote
<ocdtrekkie> Not sure this many eyeballs can be bought
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<LyreCalliope[m]> Already 34 followers on our new fediverse account!
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