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<spyjoshx> OK. So I was on a few days ago, and I tried some more things since then. At this point, I've done the following to migrate my sandstorm to a OS install. For context, I upgraded my server hardware to now have a SSD in addition to the old drive. I installed Debian on the new drive, and left the old drive in without clearing it. After I installed
<spyjoshx> Debian, I ran "cp -a /path/to/old/drive/opt/sandstorm /opt/sandstorm.full", ran the installer with "curl | bash", stopped the new install with "sudo sandstorm stop" and "sudo service sandstorm stop", swapped the old and new directories with "sudo mv /opt/sandstorm /opt/sandstorm.empty" and "sudo mv /opt/sandstorm.full
<spyjoshx> /opt/sandstorm" and then tried starting sandstorm with "sudo sandstorm start". Checking the status with "sudo sandstorm status" tells me it's not running, and the log at /opt/sandstorm/var/log/sandstorm.log contains the following:
<isd> Was the old install running when you did the copy?
<spyjoshx> The server had shut down normally, but I hadn't specifically run "sudo sandstorm stop". Is that likely a problem?
<isd> If it wasn't running it should be fine.
<spyjoshx> Should I try booting into the old system, and manually running sudo sandstorm stop and copying again?
<isd> I doubt that will help; I could see a situation where if it were actively running you could get database corruption or such when copying out from underneath it, but even if it was shut down "improperly" it should be able to cope just fine
<spyjoshx> yeah. I'm copying it using the new system, from the old drive which is mounted as storage under the new system
<isd> My temptation at this point would be to compare things with mtree
<spyjoshx> is that a command? It looks like it's not installed if it is.
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<isd> I can never remember what package it's in; I make use of it like once a year.
<spyjoshx> looks like it's mtree-netbsd
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<spyjoshx> OK I'm not exactly sure I understand how mtree works...
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<spyjoshx> not exactly sure what you want me to do with mtree
<isd> My thinking was: use it to get a summary of the original file tree, then compare it to the copied one, and see what if anything is different.
<isd> Sorry, a bit distracted today.
<spyjoshx> yeah, I've been looking at the man for it, and I'm not sure how to use it that way. It says I need something like a specification. Do I need to generate one somehow from the original sandstorm folder?
<isd> Looks like -c is probably what you want? Not somewhere where I can test it myself unfortunately, and it's been long enough since I've used it...
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<isd> Were there any errors about permissions? There's a bunch of stuff missing from there, like the whole var/mongo directory, as well as apps & grains...
<spyjoshx> you mean errors while copying, or while running mtree?
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<isd> The latter, though the former might be of interest as well now that you mention it.
<spyjoshx> that's the thing. no errors on either
<isd> Are there indeed files in the tree that mtree didn't pick up?
<spyjoshx> how would I find that out?
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