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<isd> Hrm, I wonder if mongo has an objection to running as root? Was this the case with the prior installation? It is better to have it as a dedicated user.
<spyjoshx> the weird thing is there's nothing new in var/log/mongo.log at all
<isd> Yeah, that is indeed weird.
<spyjoshx> and no, everything worked fine on the old install. Could this be an issue with going from Ubuntu to regular Debian?
<isd> I'm pretty sure that shouldn't matter -- Sandstorm is pretty self contained and debian is definitely being used by plenty of people
<isd> And the permissions on the log file look ok?
<spyjoshx> these are the contents of mongo.log, but they haven't changed the last few times I tried to start sandstorm
<spyjoshx> if it helps at all, I still have the entire old OS installation on a separate hard drive in this machine, if I need to re-copy anything
<isd> <spyjoshx> "these are the contents of mongo..." <- Did you mean to paste/link to something?
<spyjoshx> I sent the link. here it is again
<isd> I would maybe look for discrepancies in the permissions between the old & new installations.
<spyjoshx> any particular dir I should check first?
<isd> I'd probably start with var/mongo
<isd> How did you do the copy? cp -a?
<spyjoshx> pretty sure I did cp -a, but I'll try again just to make sure
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