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<humanetech> In wasmCloud the cryptography is handled by the tooling. For Capabilities you need [Claims]( that are packaged as a JWT. You define the namespaced capabilities yourself, and they become part of the `wasmcloud.yaml` of your actor app. You have fine control of what it means when a capability is present, as the capability is defined by its interface (contract based programming). If you expose a
<humanetech> your app, in production that can mean _any_ KV store implementation is invoked, shielded behind the interface.
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<LyreCalliope[m]> I recently started a weekly Twitch-style livestream (Thursday nights, 8pm eastern at and tonight's topic will be Sandstorm. I invite y'all to come and hangout!
<LyreCalliope[m]> It's going to be a casual conversational livestream, and I'm hoping to work on documenting/mocking up UI ideas I have for the shell as well as feature areas that haven't been fully realized yet (like grain security management).
<LyreCalliope[m]> We'll also be vibing to some chill synthwave!
<LyreCalliope[m]> Historically, has sandstorm been discussed on social media through the #sandstorm hashtag, #sandstormio, or both?
<isd> I've been using #Sandstorm on mastodon. On twitter we had an account that was @SandstormIO iirc -- might be nice to have an official fediverse account for it at some point.
<isd> No harm in using both.
<isd> Though capitalizing as #SandstormIO will help with accessibility, because word boundaries.
<LyreCalliope[m]> I've been thinking about what server might work best. Originally I was thinking Hachyderm, but I saw there was some kind of drama around it a few weeks ago I wanted to investigate first before recommending it. There's always fosstodon, but I'm also thinking about culture, community, and size of server that would lead to better amplification.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> Forgejo is on
<ocdtrekkie> The Hachyderm admin/founder ragequit the fediverse because they got some whining about policies around people fundraising.
<ocdtrekkie> They went to Bluesky, but there was already an organization set up to run and manage Hachyderm, so it is probably fine.
<ocdtrekkie> It is however a bit more techbro than foss focused. might be good. The guys behind fosstodon seem cool, I'd be big on that one as an option.
<ocdtrekkie> I definitely follow and use the #sandstorm hashtag on Mastodon. Sometimes I see posts about actual sandstorms though, which can be randomly unexpected.
<LyreCalliope[m]> has a fantastic code of conduct. One of the better ones I've seen. Under 700 accounts too, which could be good for amplification/getting local server attention.
<LyreCalliope[m]> I wish OpenCollective/OpenSourceCollective had an optional, integrated fediverse instance. That would be perfect.
<isd> I kindof want to even suggesting making our canonical domain and having .io redirect (the reverse is true now); .io kindof dates us, and .org feels more fitting for a community project anyway. But that argues in favor of #Sandstorm over #SandstormIO.
<isd> s/suggesting/suggest/
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<humanetech> Regarding .io you can also get criticism on the Fediverse, because of the UK or a UK company exploiting that tld. I only learned this recently, and have one .io domain that I cannot easily drop.
<isd> Yeah, I definitely wouldn't do it today. But breaking links seems worse than being stuck with it at least as an alias.
<humanetech> isd: Indeed.
<ocdtrekkie> Yeah I definitely thought about the fact .org would be better for us today recently.
<isd> I think I'm just going to go ahead and get us an account on
<isd> Alright, I requested, pending approval.
<LyreCalliope[m]> <isd> "Yeah, I definitely wouldn't do..." <- Would it be easy to make a script that will set up redirects for all the pages or something?
<LyreCalliope[m]> isd: I approve! Great choice.
<LyreCalliope[m]> Go team.
<isd> I mean we already have the reverse going; redirects to It wouldn't be hard to flip that around. kentonv would probably have to do it though.
<ocdtrekkie> I suspect the issue where changing the domain would get hairy is other services on the domain. Like I imagine Alpha wouldn't take kindly to it. I imagine the marketplace probably should not be trivially redirected either.
<isd> We could just start with the main website though.
<isd> I agree, the other services are much fiddler. And probably sandcats is forever.
<isd> I'm less sure about alpha; I don't know if just changing BASE_URL/WILDCARD_HOST might just do the trick.
<ocdtrekkie> The issue would be all the places Alpha URLs are hardcoded.
<isd> Might be ok if we could get them to redirect? I'm definitely not keen to prioritize that though.
<isd> Also, if anyone is itching to try out packaging a workers app:
<isd> <isd> "Alright, I requested @sandstorm..." <- Approved!
<ocdtrekkie> I tried getting the Workers runtime running in a vagrant-spk stack but got stuck.
<ocdtrekkie> That also predated durable objects being supported though, it'd be more useful now.
<isd> ...and more importantly, any interesting apps to port. Though it sounds like pijul's thing might currently depend on the proprietary KV store?
<isd> Anyway, I prodded, maybe we'll get a response:
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<isd> We should add a <link rel="me" ... for the mastodon account to the sandstorm website, and also a link from the community page.
<isd> Also someone should write an #introduction post.
<isd> Which, someday, I should also do for myself.
<ocdtrekkie> lol
<ocdtrekkie> The website autodeploys now I believe so its a pretty easy fix to PR without bothering Kenton.
<ocdtrekkie> Workers something or other \o/
<ocdtrekkie> Or Cloudflare Pages? Does that have Workers behind it anyways?
<isd> No idea.
<isd> Opened a PR for the metadata link
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<LyreCalliope[m]> I'll draft something for first post. Maybe on livestream this evening 😂. It's kinda looking to be a coworky workshoppy talkshoppy stream.
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<ocdtrekkie> My about page PR is still so sad.
<ocdtrekkie> At this point it's been there so long I'm almost scared to revisit it.
<isd> Just tear off the band-aid!
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<ocdtrekkie> Verified checkbox now shows \o/ Had to edit and save the profile to get it to check it.
<ocdtrekkie> On servers running a much-newer-than-last-release build, like, you even see the verification in the search results now.
<ocdtrekkie> Firefox: The browser I solely tolerate because all the others are even worse.
<ocdtrekkie> This should be the sort of thing that causes every browser engineer there to quit, fork it, and launch a new org.