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<isd> I made a mirror of the sandstorm repo on codeberg:
<isd> Might be good to do similar for other repos, but I don't want to pick through them right now.
<isd> Good to have more than one home, esp. when one of them is github...
<ocdtrekkie> How is it mirrored?
<isd> There's a feature in gitea that will set up a repo to pull periodically
<ocdtrekkie> I see it successfully identifies my Codeberg account on my commits which is nice.
<isd> I also gave you owner access to the org, if you want to fuss with things
<ocdtrekkie> And considering the top reason I value being on GitHub is discoverability, it's nice it'll now be discoverable for Codeberg users.
<ocdtrekkie> I will check it out for sure.
<isd> I figure mirroring stuff is a good way to reduce dependency on GitHub/stop normalizing folks needing to be there, while still being plugged in for the time being.
<isd> I've been thinking about making codeberg authoritative for more of my projects. Force of habit is really the only reason I haven't yet.
<ocdtrekkie> I guess it would be good to find out if we start with mirroring GitHub->Codeberg, what the path is to flip that at some point. I am mostly on GitHub for network effects, I suppose we are not doing our part if we aren't trying to change the math on those network effects ourselves too.
<isd> Yeah. There is a thing in the settings to set up a "push mirror," which I did for haskell-capnp
<isd> Also, I'm not sure why it didn't pull the issues, maybe because I didn't bother with giving it an api token?
<ocdtrekkie> Likely, a git pull is permissionless, the API I think always needs a token.
<isd> That makes some sense. It did get the wiki, but you can clone that too
<ocdtrekkie> But yeah, I can maybe play with mirroring the rest of the org to get familiar, and then projects we exclusively work on we could maybe flip the mirror method.
<ocdtrekkie> I really like the GitHub Desktop app though, I imagine much of it will work with Codeberg anyways, but I should test if that explodes or not.
<isd> I feel like folks in were talking about forking it at some point to make it work with gitea & others?
<isd> Maybe you could contribute :)
<isd> It's the github-specific stuff that worries me more; hopefully by having it in multiple places that will push back a bit on the instinct to use whatever tools are there on GitHub
<ocdtrekkie> I expect GitHub Desktop will still work fine for what I use it for, which is the actual commits and branches and stuff, since that's all mostly local git behavior. Betting I'd have issues pushing because of authentication, but that isn't awful anyways.
<TimMc> Codeberg looks nice. No JS required for just browsing, which is good.
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<ocdtrekkie> So it looks like pull mirroring is magical hidden behavior after it's initially set up? There's no visible setting for it, it seems.
<isd> Yeah, noticed that :/
<ocdtrekkie> Honestly that brings to question how to shut it OFF when you want to flip to push mirroring.
<ocdtrekkie> So I am testing with the API token to bring over vagrant-spk issues and stuff too. (I'm guessing if we ever want to do this with Sandstorm, itself, we would need to delete the mirror and recreate it?) It is slow as heck to grab that stuff.
<isd> Yeah, probably, sorry I messed it up :/
<ocdtrekkie> This is honestly just good low-impact testing here.
<ocdtrekkie> Like now that I've tested the API migration, (plan a day to import Sandstorm's this way, based on how long vagrant-spk took...) will new issues keep syncing to Codeberg? My token expires in 90 days, so that may or may not be a persistent option if it does that regularly at all.
<isd> I feel like that may not have worked with haskell-capnp
<ocdtrekkie> Until we actually rely on the Codeberg copies for anything, it should be reasonable to just blow them away and start over if we need to.
<isd> It certainly hasn't synched them in the other direction
<ocdtrekkie> I set up my token for the migration with read-only access to the things I was migrating anyways, it doesn't have permission to break the GitHub repo.
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<ocdtrekkie> So, got some notes here from the Forgejo channel:
<ocdtrekkie> - Codeberg has pull mirrors disabled due to resources exhaustion
<ocdtrekkie> - The synchronization code currently only syncs git code, the migration code is the only code that handles issues and PRs as well
<ocdtrekkie> So if we were to host on Codeberg, we probably have to decide a given repo's source of truth will be Codeberg, set up push mirroring, and probably disable GitHub Issues so we don't have the issues out of sync.
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<ocdtrekkie> What we could do in the interim if we are strongly interested in mirroring to Codeberg (which I think we should, if you want to use that for any newer projects), is I could set up my GitHub Action for it. I would just probably need Kenton to add a secret for me with my Codeberg API token.
<ocdtrekkie> I use a GitHub Action currently on all of my own repos to sync them to personal GitWeb grains for archival, but the same Action should work for syncing Codeberg.
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<xet7> ocdtrekkie: What Codeberg repos do you mean?
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<ocdtrekkie> is Ian and I playing with mirroring.
<ocdtrekkie> Do not rely on these for anything as they do not presently update and may be spontaneously deleted.
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