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<ocdtrekkie> I'm trying to think like what would be the easiest path to playing with something reasonable, but I'm at dinner for a bit. My instinct is to tell you to try some PHP, because I made a Sandstorm app in an hour with PHP last year. :P
<isd> The node stack might also be a good place to start, if you already know some js.
<ocdtrekkie> And I still feel like it doesn't stray as far as other things from normal HTML-working conventions.
<ocdtrekkie> But I might just recommend trying to package some existing apps that already package, and playing with the environment for doing so. It's sorta important to understand what our packages do in terms of what runs in the build environment versus what runs in the actual app package, and how we tend to need to modify apps for them to work for us.
<ocdtrekkie> If you can understand what the core vagrant-spk scripts are doing in a number of our apps, you will understand most of what goes into packaging. It's mostly all just bash/command line.
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<teley-phone> Hi
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<ocdtrekkie> Hi, but they left
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> <LyreCalliope[m]> "I can modify html and I know..." <- Great book!
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> If you need someone to throw JavaScript questions at, I'm around.
<Ryuno-KiAndrJaen> Feel free to DM me if you prefer.
<isd> Looks like the book has a section on node. So yeah, I'd say do that in parallel with learning to package existing stuff, starting with the tutorial apps.
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