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<TimMc> isd: Yeah, "you can't compete with us" sounds like Commons Clause.
<TimMc> whereas SSPL is more like GPL 3: The Copyleftening.
<TimMc> well, I'll have to work on that joke, but basically it's like "AGPL, but more so"
<xet7> TimMc: Maybe you could ask ChatGPT to work on that joke? I did ask it to make some jokes too.
<xet7> About Windows, Mac and Linux going to bar etc
<xet7> Why did Linux, Mac, and Windows go to the bar? Because they wanted to have a friendly operating system competition!
<xet7> Why did OpenAI, GPT-3, and the parameter go to the bar? Because they wanted to have a parameter tuning session!
<xet7> Why did GPT-3 order a beer at the bar? Because it wanted to try some new input data!
<xet7> Well, actually it's MongoDB that has started dropping support for old MongoDB versions in MongoDB drivers for various programming languages. Meteor has just tried to upgrad to newest Node.js MongoDB driver.
<xet7> upgrade
<xet7> And MongoDB server is huge amount of code ! I tried to build it from source and got lost somewhere.
<xet7> SQLite is easy to build from source
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<TimMc> haha oof, ChatGPT shouldn't quit its day job either
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