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<ocdtrekkie> I wonder if I can get Debian running on a NUC thing successfully. Last time I tried Debian I had hardware support issues and had to go Ubuntu, but I think the whole snap system is turning the older PCs I run Linux on into potatoes.
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<fr33domlover> isd: In haskell-capnp, the examples have a single interface's TCP server running on a specific port, and the client connects to that port. What if a single machine runs many interface servers? Do I need to write a custom transport to handle that? i.e. for a server to listen on a single port and distribute methods calls to the different
<fr33domlover> capabilities/actors in the vat? Or is there built-in support for that?
<fr33domlover> Also, hi ^_^
<fr33domlover> s/in the vat/running on that machine
<isd> Normally what you'd do is set the bootstrap interface to be somthing you can use to gain references to those other objects. So if you want to expose both a Foo and a Bar, you could make your bootstrap interface something like:... (full message at <>)