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<fr33domlover> isd: if I launch some 1000 ocaps on my laptop, and I want to hand one of them to my friend so that she can invoke it remotely from her laptop, what data do I need to give her? Obviously host+port, and the .capnp file where the ocap's interface is defined, but I suppose I also need to give her some code/token/ref that points to the specific live
<fr33domlover> ocap?
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<isd> This is something we'll probably want to settle on a standardize format set of format/interfaces for, but one thing you can do is give your bootstrap interfacea restore() method which takes a token and returns a relevant capability
<isd> See e.g. SandstormApi in grain.capnp in the sandstorm source
<isd> I wish we had a ready-made thing to just hand people for persistence, but that's the pattern
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