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<xet7> Someone asked how to use run many instances of newest WeKan in different subdomain, so I wrote to wiki about my current way of parallel Snap installs
<xet7> He got it setup, but said it is not so smooth to manage multiple application with multiple databases
<xet7> And then asked about Sandstorm
<xet7> So I replied, Sandstorm does not yet have newest WeKan and some stuff does not work:
<xet7> I try to sometime make fixes so that newest WeKan would work at Sandstorm.
<xet7> I don't know would it be even possible to get multiple subdomains for each WeKan grain
<xet7> at least non-gibberish static subdomains
<ocdtrekkie> Hmm, I would normally suggest the current Wekan on Sandstorm is fine, but if they are already pushing it to that extent the lack of supportability would be hard.
<ocdtrekkie> :/
<ocdtrekkie> Unfortunately the MongoDB upgrade logic isn't at the top of Ian's very full todo list. I don't know how much time would be needed to finish it and port it to work with meteor-spk apps.
<ocdtrekkie> I tried to look at building anything with Meteor recently and got frustrated quickly myself.
<xet7> I think I'll figure it out myself anyway
<xet7> It's not Ian's problem
<ocdtrekkie> But you will probably need to basically replicate the process of publishing a Meteor app with meteor-spk, but also extract out the database from ancient Mongo, and import it into a modern Mongo.
<xet7> I could use ancient Mongo directly with older MongoDB driver
<xet7> I do already have simple example MongoDB query with older driver working
<ocdtrekkie> Current Meteor won't work with it though?
<xet7> Newest Meteor uses only newest MongoDB. That minimal example does not have most of Meteor, only a little.
<xet7> and also does not have most of wekan
<ocdtrekkie> Did you figure out how to use old Mongo with Meteor 2.8?
<xet7> Yes. That is creating bare minimal Meteor 2.8 example without MongoDB, and then adding old MongoDB driver.
<ocdtrekkie> So it wouldn't work with a full Meteor setup like Sandstorm
<xet7> No, remaining of newest Meteor requires newest MongoDB, and there are a lot of changes in progress when Meteor moves from fibers to async-await
<xet7> With that minimal example, it's kind of picking small pieces of Meteor and needing to kind of build custom web framework
<ocdtrekkie> I am still impressed tho.
<xet7> :D
<xet7> So maybe I'll just continue it anyway :)
<xet7> because I could get custom Meteor working with older MongoDB versions too
<xet7> nobody would be required to upgrade MongoDB versions
<xet7> and migrate 500 GB of database sizes
<xet7> and there could be options to migrate to SQLite anyway
<xet7> adding some SQLite npm package
<isd> xet7: if you were to fork meteor and maintain support for old mongo you would be a hero to us all.
<xet7> Cool :)
<xet7> I'll try
<isd> You could call it "meteorite" -- meteor but not moving so fast.
<xet7> Here I'm running newest Meteor 2.8.1 with old MongoDB driver at Sandstorm, listing collections of WeKan grain:
<xet7> Hmm, actually newest is 2.8.2
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