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<TimMc> Is there anything like Sandstorm's app sandboxing that I can just use at the command line? Like if I want to run some potentially dodgy code, but I don't feel like figuring out how to do that safely in Docker.
<isd> Firejail maybe? not going to be as turn-key when the apps aren't written for it, but...
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<TimMc> isd: Hmm, that's a thought!
<TimMc> Use-case is someone needing to test a build tool against repos some random person said it was breaking on. :-)
<isd> Spinning up a VM would probably be my approach...
<TimMc> Yeah. Maybe keep one around long-term.
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<ocdtrekkie> If your VM software of choice can snapshot, good way to discard any potentially malicious changes quickly.
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