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<xet7> Yes, of course amd64 PC is much more capable. Not all software runs on arm CPUs, that can require custom non-upstreamed kernels.
<xet7> Yes, that Orange Pi is kind of knock-off, could have custom kernel
<xet7> not as well supported like RasPi
<xet7> There is Linux and Android for Orange Pi
<ocdtrekkie> Wow, that's... not a file format I expected GitHub to preview
<ocdtrekkie> I subscribed to that and the lungo issue linked as well.
<isd> Fwiw, Sandstorm is currently stuck on 2.6, not 3.0
<isd> though meteor-spk uses 3.0
<isd> I think FerretDB is a more promising replacement than lungo at this point; I think I dug into it and there was actually kindof a lot to build out for lungo
<xet7> isd: Thanks, I updated discussion.
strugee- is now known as strugee_