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<ocdtrekkie> I think I am going to see if I can extract the relevant code for triggering the cron api from the TTRSS repo into something I can reasonably put in the docs perhaps. Since I can test by looking at grain settings, it should be easy for me to confirm if I got it or not.
<ocdtrekkie> "Here's how to add this to your Go app" is better than no docs at all.
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<xet7> Is there templates how to package node/go/python etc apps for Sandstorm?
<xet7> I did compile raw api examples of C++ and Rust and they did work
<xet7> but meteor adds too much stuff
<xet7> I would like to pack just node, mongo etc
<xet7> or just node
<xet7> Sandstorm seems to have some version of node
<isd> There are vagrant-spk stacks for those
<xet7> URL ?
<xet7> Thanks!
<isd> no problem
<xet7> Is there some way to force Meteor to use previous MongoDB driver that also supports MongoDB 3.x that Sandstorm has? I tried "mongo@1.15.0!" at .meteor/packages and it automatically upgraded to 1.16.0
<xet7> usually ! forces versio
<xet7> with "meteor-spk dev" it upgraded to newer version
<isd> Sandstorm is stuck on an old version of meteor because of this, so I think if your meteor version wants newer you'll have a problem
<isd> I haven't used the meteor stack, so can't comment on how it does things.
<xet7> with minimal Meteor stack I can use older MongoDB driver
<isd> Have to get out the door unfortunately. Best of luck.
<xet7> So I could maybe figure out how to add the remaining stuff
<xet7> Thanks!
<ocdtrekkie> The meteor stack on vagrant-spk just uses meteor-spk more or less
<ocdtrekkie> And i don't think it currently even uses the latest meteor-spk because I have an untested PR to update that.
<xet7> Does any Sandstorm app use newer MongoDB 5.x ?
<ocdtrekkie> Nope
<xet7> Is it possible to use Sandstorm/Meteor stack MongoDB 3.x from Node/C++/Python etc stack?
<ocdtrekkie> All our meteor-spk apps use the same very old MongoDB 3.0 version, and Sandstorm itself uses I think 2.6.
<ocdtrekkie> Maybe? Someone would have to figure out how to extract that out. Our stacks are ultimately just some bash scripts to help set up a virtual build environment for you.
<xet7> Ok thanks!
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