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<fr33domlover> Hello o/
<isd> o/
<ocdtrekkie> hi! long time no talk
<fr33domlover> ^_^
<fr33domlover> I looked at the Cap'n Proto Haskell package, which I'd like to use in a federated web app, and I notice it has a low-level API compared to something like Spritely - am I right? In the sense that Spritely Goblins doesn't eve have "client" and "server" notions, just sending messages between actors
<fr33domlover> So I wonder whether such a higher level actor API thing belongs to the capnp haskell package, or to a separate higher level package :)
<isd> It's there in goblins too, iiuc: goblins' spawn function is equivalent to haskell-capnp's export
<isd> But y'know, haskell has types so the distinction is a bit more obvious...
* fr33domlover nods
<fr33domlover> I suppose I'll see how it feels soon when I play with the library ^_^
<fr33domlover> Thank you for coding it! It's such a pleasure to want to use a tool, and discover someone implemented it in your favorite programming language
<isd> Enjoy!
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