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<ocdtrekkie> So I think for the past two days I've been writing an RMM solution for Windows machines that is managed by Sandstorm? Eventuality it will be a rewrite of my home automation software, but that probably won't be the initial focus so I can make it generally-useful.
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<xet7> ocdtrekkie: Is that in PHP ?
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<ocdtrekkie> xet7: The Sandstorm side of it is. But there's not a lot there yet. The client software is C#.
<xet7> With PHP and SQLite, does it need some way to check is SQLite file locked or writable, with delays if needed?
<ocdtrekkie> I'm still using MySQL on the PHP side in this case, though I've never had file locking issues with SQLite that I know of?
<xet7> Ok
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<isd> Jacob Weisz: the hedgedoc icons seem not to render for me on alpha; can you reproduce this or is it a me thing?
<isd> Like, they're just blank.
<ocdtrekkie> like the app/grain icons?
<isd> Yeah.
<ocdtrekkie> how does resolve for you? I can see them.
<ocdtrekkie> at least the grain icon anyways, I don't have HedgeDoc installed on Alpha
<ocdtrekkie> But I see the grain icon on your shared document just fine in the sidebar
<isd> weird.
<isd> It works fine for all other apps, but hedgedoc none of the icons show up, either for individual grains or for the app itself.
<ocdtrekkie> That's very odd
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