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<ocdtrekkie> How soon should I send the PR to remove the first item on this bad boy?
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<ocdtrekkie> kentonv: sent a PM, mentioning here just because I don't trust this bridge to work
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<jonesv> ocdtrekkie: oh right you're on matrix
<jonesv> I tried IRCCloud for a while (I think we talked about it here), and I recently moved to, which I like a lot :)
<ocdtrekkie> Yeah occasionally it does weird things with chats and channels so if that channel isn't already recently active, I assume it might not actually connect to anyone.
<jonesv> right
<ocdtrekkie> Honestly the leading reason I use Matrix when every channel I talk to is IRC anyways: iOS has a truly awful selection of IRC apps.
<jonesv> oh, right :). Even when using a bouncer? I mean, it seems like a bouncer is mandatory on iOS, because you disconnect as soon as the app goes in the background
<ocdtrekkie> Yeah I couldn't find anything that even seemed worth trying, and most options were paid options.
<jonesv> oh right. Yeah so the bouncer requires the paid version of SourceHut, but it's 2$/month and I wanted to try SourceHut at some point. IRCCloud has a free version, but you get history only for the last two hours...
<jonesv> They have a free iOS app, though:
<jonesv> Not sure if it would count as "awful" for you though. I used the Android version and it was fine for me
<ocdtrekkie> I remember trying a few at the time, don't remember which though.
<ocdtrekkie> It probably predated existing too.
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<TimMc> My approach is to run my IRC client on a raspberry pi in the basement.
<isd> I actually have one matrix channel that's not just an IRC bridge, so I'm stuck with it :P
<isd> (This being )
<isd> it's nice though to know in that channel that everyone's client is capable of handling large pasts, images, etc.
<jonesv> TimMc: wait, the client? Should be a bouncer or something, right?
<isd> I assume in tmux or gnu screen over ssh?
<jonesv> oh right, that works too
<jonesv> isd: for pastes and images, I think I am really used to opening a link in my browser like I have always done with IRC, and I don't really see an added value in those clients that load everything
<jonesv> Well they get more of my attention because I'm forced to see the images, whereas with IRC I only open them if I feel like they're worth it
<isd> Yeah, but you need to find somewhere to upload it...
<jonesv> Actually one thing that works well with modern clients is sending an image and having everyone "react" with an emoji. But I must admit I don't really miss it that much in IRC xD
<isd> I've been debugging a flow control implementation, and being able to attach images of graphs to messages has been useful
<isd> Esp. being able to just look at the charts interleaved with the discussion
<isd> The reactions are a nicer ergonomic thing that I agree I don't miss much when it's not there.
<jonesv> Right, yeah for the charts in this way, it makes sense
<jonesv> Though an IRC client could load the images. Uploading them somewhere is a bit more annoying, I agree.
<jonesv> I find pastes easy though. I have been Googling "pastebin" and selecting a random one for 15 years :D. Recently I've been trying
<isd> I have a subdomain on my own server that I just use for this and scp stuff over
<jonesv> But yeah, that makes them really ephemeral. With Slack/Discord/Matrix I guess we quickly get addicted to the history :)
<ocdtrekkie> I have a couple subdomains mapped to Davros grains I use to share images.
<jonesv> oh that's super cool!
<isd> Yeah I just have
<ocdtrekkie> convenience of drag drop, performance of local copy to upload, and since the static web publishing is proxied through Cloudflare, it caches for people and doesn't murder my house.
<isd> There's also /paste and /tmp which aren't navigable but the contents are readable if you know the URL
<ocdtrekkie> < Davros grain.
<jonesv> ocdtrekkie: is Sandstorm always proxied through Cloudflare, or is that your setup? It has to be your setup, doesn't it?
<ocdtrekkie> Just have the static publishing entries in Cloudflare DNS set to proxy.
<ocdtrekkie> The actual server/Sandcats URL doesn't get proxied by Cloudflare.
<ocdtrekkie> And no, Sandstorm doesn't do anything inherently with Cloudflare.
<ocdtrekkie> Except, I suppose, if you choose to use Sandcats, because Sandcats runs on Cloudflare.
<kentonv> sandcats doesn't run on Cloudflare. I would like to make it run on Cloudflare Workers eventually as it'll be much faster but I haven't done that yet.
<ocdtrekkie> Oh I thought it did move over at some point. Ah well.
<kentonv> honestly sandcats is a little embarassing in that it's one DNS server (well, and a backup server, in the same place) and the cache timeout is 60s, so you're constantly suffering DNS lookup latency. But no one has ever complained so I guess it's not that noticeable.
<jonesv> May I ask why it is called "sandcats", btw? I get Sandstorm and the grains, but not sandcats :)
<isd> Is there a reason the timeout is so low?
<isd> But yeah, the randomized subdomains sandstorm uses for granis probably does a lot more damage :P
<xet7> jonesv: Sandcats are on logos of Sandstorm . Sandcats live at desert where are sandstorms etc.
<xet7> I contributed translations etc to Sandstorm, got the T-shirt (that has sandcats etc), sandcat stickers etc
<xet7> And I try to get newest WeKan fixed and released for Sandstorm
<xet7> Been there, done that, got the T-shirt... ;)
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<jonesv> Oooh, Sand cats are adorable! Those project names are really cool (Sandstorm, grains, sandcat, etc) :)
<jonesv> I like Cap'n Proto a lot, too. "Cerealization protocol", that's cool xD
<ocdtrekkie> I love all of the branding around this stuff, yeah. It's fun.
<jonesv> Yes!