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<isd> kentonv: is json.capnp's actively in use anywhere to your knowledge? Docs suggest at some point it was a hacky way of working with data from mongo, but I haven't stumbled across anything in Sandstorm that uses it. I kinda want to suggest renaming to deprecatedCall and deleting all the goop around it, mostly because I'd like to link to it as a "you can model json inside capnp" but `call` is kind of embarrassing...
<kentonv> isd, I think I used it in run-bundle.c++ at some point when interacting with the mongo client, which uses this syntax as an extension for certain things
<kentonv> you don't have to use it
<kentonv> keep in mind it's not representing a function call, it's representing *syntax that looks like* a function call. Identifier, open paren, list of values, close paren. It's not fundamentally different from anything else in there, except that it's not standard syntax.
<isd> looks like run-bundle.c++ only uses it to encode spk manifests as json, which shouldn't use call.
<isd> Yeah, it's mostly just an aesthetic grumble...