havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.4.1, 3.3.6 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<havenwood> nakilon: I'd suggest discrete classes with #to_s rather than inheriting from String or DelegateClass of String.
<havenwood> nakilon: Basically, create that XML class, but no need for private methods per se.
<havenwood> nakilon: For example, using Data with a contrived Document: https://gist.github.com/havenwood/d37ddf0de6b6c5dc29cddd5832780304
<havenwood> You could memoize the #to_zip too, by making it a member as well.
<havenwood> Do keep it simple if you can. Usually it's best to avoid delegating to core classes unless you have a good reason.
<havenwood> Updated to memoize. The way I'm showing the XML is specific to a user. There are many ways to do it, but keep it simple.
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<keremk> I had lots of trouble trying to get ruby-lsp working on Neovim partly thanks to NixOS complicating things further but I finally managed it. It works as long as I have ruby-lsp as a bundle in the project folder. Is it a good way to have the LSP inside the project though?
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<havenwood> keremk: I'd expect NeoVim to handle ruby-lsp better out of the box. With Helix it _just works_ pretty much. Install the gem and it's autodetected.
<havenwood> Maybe NixOS is the hangup, like you mention?
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<keremk> havenwood: Yeah that's how it should be working, but alas, it just won't normally. I had to resort to making a Nixvim configuration to make it work. It turned out better so I don't mind now :) for NixOS, Mason was the biggest pain in the backside. It just won't work if you go the Mason route.
<snonux> ++ for Helix, worked for me pretty smoothly as well (ruby-lsp. Solargraph, Rubocop...):-)
<snonux> But i had to have a Gemfile specifying the Ruby version used for the current project, otherwise ruby-lsp would not detect endless methods
<snonux> I meant, I had tot have a gemspec
<snonux> s/tot/to/
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