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<nakilon> I'm so struggling with OOP
<nakilon> if I simplify... imagine having a 'class Document' with some params that make sense when constructing it; then I want a method '.to_xml' that returns a String with a parameter 'user' that kinda makes sense for a library because you can explain that the 'user' param is added to the xml body; then I want a method '.to_zip' that would zip the xml, so
<nakilon> constructor; but in fact there are more params than just a user and it feels wrong to copypaste all the '@... = ...' from the Document constructor to XML constructor
<nakilon> I define a 'class XML < DelegateClass(::String)' to use it in the end of '.to_xml' method definition and in the 'def initialize' of the XML class I add the '@user = user'; but it appears that the zip archive has to include additional metadata taken from the 'user' that is an attribute of Document, i.e. it would need to explicitely pass it to XML
<nakilon> (missed the part that the idea is to have the '.to_zip' to be a method of the XML)
<nakilon> if I make '.to_zip' a method of Document, then it would make no sense to library user why he has to pass the 'user' param -- makes more sense to him only in the '.to_xml', and I want to hide the '.to_zip' internals knowledge from him
<nakilon> hide it without copypasting the constructor of Document to XML
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<nakilon> s / from the 'user' that is an attribute of Document / from both user (param of .to_xml) and params of the Document.new
<nakilon> TLDR: I want a method b() called on a String returned from a method a(..,) of my object O to be able to use params of both O.new(...) and a(...)
<nakilon> maybe '.to_zip' should be a private method of Document and I pass 'self' to XML.new?
<nakilon> or maybe I should define all these hundreds of lines of code within Document's initialize via Class.new, etc., having both params within a scope? that should work but coworkers and "less lines of code per method" magic thinker would not love
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<panickedGemstone> Hey guys, just getting back into Ruby from a looooong hiatus. I normally use Vim to edit my code, and Tmux and other tools to cobble together an IDE. I was wondering if a good "proper" IDE was available for Linux? Preferably free and open source? Maybe available in Ubuntu's repos?
<weaksauce> panickedGemstone best you will get on the free and open source is probably vscode or codium with ruby-lsp installed as an extension
<panickedGemstone> thanks
<weaksauce> not really an ide though but it has a lot of the features like debugging built in
<weaksauce> and some simple go to def
<weaksauce> the jet brains people have a ruby ide you can buy and a lot of people like that
<weaksauce> panickedGemstone also, since you like vim you can try the vscode neovim extension and that run a neovim instance that it uses to do all the normal mode/visual mode stuff and syncs the edits/position of the cursor to your screen... it's the best vim "emulation" i've seen in any editor
<panickedGemstone> ty, I know what I'm doing this weekend.
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<intelligent_boat> vim does everything that I think I need, but is there anything that I don't know that I need?
<intelligent_boat> willing to be educated on it
<weaksauce> the ruby-lsp has a lot of nice features
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