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I'll get the structure right first and leave the string class as is but with b -> bold etc. (since chances of other gems conflicting with spelled-out font effects are rather slim (I may get to that later).
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Alright, done the restructuring and removed the vendor-path-install. Before I go ahead and cut&upload the gem. Could any one of you see if this looks good? (https://github.com/isene/rcurses)
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isene: Nice. You can just `include Cursor` instead of `include Rcurses::Cursor`, etc, since you're in Rcurses.
isene: I'd makes an `examples/` directory and throw that one example in there after renaming the file.
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isene: I'd move the `require 'clipboard'` to `lib/rcurses/pane.rb` since it's only used in that file.
It's tempting to consider whether `Cursor` and `Input` should be nested under `Pane`, but this is a far better layout.
I'd still prefer `lib/core_ext/string.rb` rather than `lib/string_extension.rb` since you may have more extensions and it's a conventional place to put it. Also, it allows you to decide to have a `lib/core_ext.rb` that requires *all* core exts assuming you add ones beyond String.
This version is far improved. Good progress.
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Since my system it's somewhat disturbed by various versions, etc. Could you check the gem I added to the repo and see if the example "basic_panes.rb" works correctly after a gem install? And - thanks a lot, this is really appreciated :)
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