havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.6 (3.4.0-rc1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Log https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<havenwood> ih8u: Yeah, the main usage I see is via DragonRuby.
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<ih8u> how can i define an assignment method for my class?
<ih8u> as in i have a `class Vector3` and i want to be able to say `v = [0, 1, 2]` and not have it transform v into an array
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<havenwood> ih8u: Instead, `Vector3.new(0, 1, 2)` or alias ::# for `Vector3[0, 1, 2]` or define a method `Vector(0, 1, 2)`.
<havenwood> You might consider using a Data class.
<havenwood> It would provide the `Vector3[0, 1, 2]` version as well.
<havenwood> Vector3 = Data.define(:i, :j, :k)
<havenwood> Vector3[0, 1, 2] #=> #<data Vector3 i=0, j=1, k=2>
<havenwood> You can then reopen it to define constants and methods: class Vector3; SIZE = 3; ...
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<havenwood> Also the interface if you: require 'matrix'
<havenwood> Vector[0, 1, 2] #=> Vector[0, 1, 2]
<havenwood> You can create a new one with a different dimension with #with.
<havenwood> Data#with
<havenwood> v.with(j: 42) #=> #<data Vector3 i=0, j=42, k=2>
<havenwood> Or: Numo::NArray[0, 1, 2] #=> Numo::Int32#shape=[3]; [0, 1, 2]
<havenwood> Numo::Int64#shape=[3] #=> Numo::Int64#shape=[3]; [0, 1, 2]
<havenwood> Oops, I meant: Numo::Int64[0, 1, 2]
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<weaksauce> what does hello do o0x1eef
<o0x1eef> Afaict it is 'make golf' but renamed to 'make hello'
<weaksauce> and what did make golf do?
<weaksauce> odd
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