havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.4 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<mooff> highly relatable content https://i.imgur.com/xFjotHQ.jpeg
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<adam12> mooff: Hah! I saw this one a few days ago and saved it off, because it's definitely relatable to me.
<mooff> :)
<mooff> adam12: did you yell at your computer when the article said @@class_vars were equivalent to @class_ivars?
<adam12> mooff: Which article was this?
<adam12> Oof. I didn't even notice tbh.
<mooff> i was skimming just up to there, but it caught my eye
<mooff> https://jpcamara.com/2024/06/04/your-ruby-programs.html#:~:text=If%20this to save someone else time
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<mooff> and/or adam time ;-)
<mooff> i was sort of disagreeing with the article while reading the start. not all Ruby programs use Rails, ActiveRecord, Unicorn, Puma, Sidekiq, or Falcon..
<mooff> > If you use net/http [...], you use threads 🧵.
<mooff> i've read net/http, and that didn't feel right. reading again it doesn't seem to use threads at all.
<adam12> I didn't realize net/http used threads.
<adam12> Oh, you're saying it doesn't?
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<mooff> yeah, i think it doesn't
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<havenwood> adam12: I think they mean to be pointing to Timeout.timeout being Thread usage in Net::HTTP.
<havenwood> HTTPX is oddly in there with Timeout, Net::HTTP and partied too hard Net::HTTP derivatives.
<adam12> havenwood: I had a feeling but thought Timeout.timeout was dropped from Net::HTTP since it now supports better IO timeouts.
<havenwood> adam12: It was dropped then added again after folk ran into issues.
<adam12> havenwood: Hmmm.
<havenwood> Looks like this one is still open https://github.com/ruby/net-http/issues/6
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<adam12> Migrated a project from STI+JSONB to CTI and it went off without a hitch... definitely not what I was expecting. Fully prepared for a huge headache.
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<adam12> mooff: I didn't realize how long that article was. TLDR
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