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<lembron> so, i´m inide a gitlab-omnibus rails-shell or so -- i do have command-history with arrow-up/down, how can i print all of them as a list? - the docs mention "puts Readline::HISTORY.to_a" but that is nil.
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<lembron> hm, seems that package is called "Reline" not "Readline"? - Reline::HISTORY.to_a seems to have my data :)
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<lembron> and why would `json_data = File.read('/tmp/8mb.json')` take a good 2 minutes.... - its not even decoding there isnt it but still slow as balls
<adam12> lembron: Is the file 8mb?
<lembron> yeps, [{bla},...] stuff with 24k elements
<adam12> That's a good question. I don't normally ready large files like that, but try to prefer streaming them instead.
<lembron> guess i should also move that off /tmp - not that some systemd-shim is hanging there.. - but it more looks like "its trying to echo(and then cut off) is the baddy"
<lembron> reaming or whatever is all irrelevant too i guess - just using that to hacky-irb tryout some lines of gitlab-code to track down a bug...
<lembron> speaking of bug: root = Gitlab::Json.parse(json_data) then root.length / root.count say (correctly) 24731 -- but `root.each do |degradation| printf "." end` prints out only 3503 dots
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<adam12> So a quick test - File.read is fast, but IRB is trying to probably display the json_data variable and that's slow. If you're still doing the json_data = ... call, try adding a semi-colon to the end.
<adam12> json_data = File.read('/tmp/8mb.json');
<lembron> "trying to display the json_data variable" sounds about right yea - a ";" does nothing (also still prints the obj)
<adam12> Weird.
<lembron> `but `root.each do |degradation| printf "." end` prints out only 3503 dots` <- ignore what i said there... i may have just found a trace... --- the actual code has a `break unless codequality_report.valid_degradation?(degradation)` in there - if i remove that break i do get 24k .´s printed - "but it also never finishes" (and i have to Ctrl+C it o.O
<lembron> so Q) 'how is that that each doesnt finish there?' - MUST one break inside them? (no cue of ruby ;D)
<lembron> ;) seems i did find the element causing my break, getting to an error on the schema-validator 3 steps down now
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<lembron> adam12 just to follow up on that - the ";" idea wasnt wrong, but it needs something else after - so "...; nil" and booms, the File.read is as instant as it would be expected ;D
<adam12> lembron: Oh that's interesting. I've never seen the need for the `;nil` but maybe we have different irb versions.
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