havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.4 (3.4.0-preview1) https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<stefanos82> greetings everyone. I wanted to ask: I have found in my public library the Programming Ruby book, the fourth edition. How outdated is comparing it with the latest fifth edition?
<stefanos82> are there major differences between them?
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<adam12> stefanos82: Not sure the publish date on it. Any idea?
<stefanos82> 2013
<adam12> stefanos82: Ruby hasn't changed _that_ much over the years but there are some subtle differences.
<stefanos82> syntactic sugar and such?
<adam12> 2013 should be OK. You might be missing some of the newer stuff but a lot of things would probablly still work.
<stefanos82> yeah, if the gist is the same and the rest can be found in official documentation, I'm sure I can catch up in no time
<adam12> Sure. No pattern matching. Keyword args might be a little different. Some methods have completely gone away (File.exists? for example) so you might have issues there.
<stefanos82> ah I see
<adam12> I'd just try it then ask questions for what doesn't fit.
<stefanos82> sure thing
<stefanos82> thank you for your valuable feedback adam12
<adam12> stefanos82: You're welcome!
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