havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Ruby 3.3.3, 3.2.4, 3.4.0-preview1 https://www.ruby-lang.org | Logs https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ruby
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<advorak> hello. I have a trusted string with multiple lines of ruby code in it.. How can I tell ruby to process/run each ruby method in it line-by-line as though it's being 'sourced' from a file?
<advorak> (or do I have to do something like string.each_line {|x| "send....." } ?
<konsolebox> advorak: I can't think nothing else but eval.
<advorak> konsolebox: thank you! eval was what I was looking for :-) My mind was a little rusty on that! Thank you so much!
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<sphex> What's the easiest way to make puma log full stacktraces?
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