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<pusewicz> Hey! I wrote a Vim plugin manager in Ruby (as the scope seemed small to try to write a little CLI tool). It's available at https://github.com/pusewicz/vimpk. I'd love to hear thoughts on the README, so that I can make it easier for someone landing on the github repo to understand what this tool is, what it does and how to use it. Thanks!
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<ih8u> how can i get nil to print as "nil"
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<ih8u> specifically as part of string interpolation
<mange> "x is #{x.inspect}"?
<ih8u> i'd like to do it as inspect
<ih8u> i'm seeing something strange
<ih8u> in 3.1.2 irb:
<ih8u> pp "!!!", "#{nil}"
<ih8u> "!!!"
<ih8u> "nil"
<ih8u> but if i put that same line in a file and run with `ruby _.rb`:
<ih8u> "!!!"
<ih8u> ""
<ih8u> what's up with that?
<mange> What does nil.to_s do in your irb?
<ih8u> can anyone reproduce?
<ih8u> => ""
<mange> I couldn't reproduce with 3.1.4. I'm building 3.1.2 now.
<ih8u> wait, it's stopped doing it in irb
<ih8u> weird
<ih8u> i must have read something wrong or something
<ih8u> `pp nil` will print "nil" in irb and ruby, and `pp "#{nil}"` will print "" in both
<ih8u> i did in one file extend class NilClass to try `def to_s "nil" end`
<mange> Yep, can't reproduce in 3.1.2. I would expect pp "!!!", nil; to print "!!!" then nil, but never "nil". "#{nil}" should always be the same as nil.to_s, but you can redefine that with class NilClass; def to_s = "nil"; end; at which point pp "#{nil}" will print "nil".
<ih8u> maybe that messed up my irb temporarily while it was present in the file?
<ih8u> yeah that was my first thought
<ih8u> unfortunately, it can't be that easy, because apparently the Sequel gem relies on nil returning ""
<ih8u> i want to be able to print that i've inserted a nil value to a database
<ih8u> is there a way to scope class extensions?
<mange> You don't have control of the call site? So you can't just do "inserted: #{x.nil? ? "nil" : x}" or similar?
<mange> If you wanted to be *absolutely insane* you could redefine to_s to check caller, or something, but that's a shockingly bad idea.
<ih8u> i don't want to be insane, just lazy
<ih8u> #{x.nil? ? "nil" : x}" works just fine, but it's too much typing
<ih8u> and i'd have to go back and change all my existing statements
<ih8u> instead of just being able to account for nils in some more catch-all way
<ih8u> something elegant, i guess, lol
<mange> The catch-all way is to use .inspect, but I guess you don't want to do that for some reason?
<ih8u> i just already have a bunch of print statements and i don't want to go back manually and add the inspect
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<ih8u> i was hoping pp would be my answer, since it actually prints the characters `nil` if you ask it to
<mange> So you want to change the behaviour of existing code, but in a way that only affects some call sites? And that seems more elegant to you than using the method that is intended for the thing that you're doing?
<ih8u> just not with string interpolation
<ih8u> which i guess makes sense
<ih8u> i'm just monumentally lazy
<mange> String interpolation is just to_s, so you can't special-case string interpolation. It just seems like you're "right now" lazy, at the expense of doing more work later when you inevitably have to debug your mess of magic.
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<ih8u> yeah, you're probably right
<ih8u> i thougt it might be a fun learning opportunity
<ih8u> ruby constantly surprises me with what it allows me to do
<ih8u> i thought maybe there was some extra magic i wasn't aware of
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