ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
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<ifreund> kindablue: you could have your keybind that runs the enter-mode command also run some script to toggle something in your status bar
<ifreund> got river compiling against wlroots 0.15.0, but damage tracking seems to be badly broken, not sure if it's my fault or not yet
<kindablue> would I be able to bind that with init? like this?
<kindablue> riverctl map normal Mod4+Shift F enter-mode powermenu
<kindablue> riverctl map normal Mod4+Shift F spawn 'path/to/powermenu.sh'
<kindablue> I thought it would override the prior command
<ifreund> kindablue: yes it overrides the existing mapping, you'd have to do it in a single mapping
<ifreund> for example, put `riverctl enter-mode powermenu` in the first line of your script
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<ifreund> wlroots update is coming along, fixed the typo that led to it seeming like damage tracking was broken
<ifreund> also ended up finding the cause of https://github.com/riverwm/river/issues/446 and fixing that
<ifreund> last TODOs are fixing the CI and looking into one layer surface related thing
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<novakane> nice! only need void to update to wayland 1.20 now :P
<novakane> ah well looks like it's the CI problem too, outdated package
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<emersion> congrats :)
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<Anderson-D> ifreund: congrats! That's a power move for river!
<Anderson-D> Makes me feel happy that there's still a cult around well-written and optimized software in this bloated world of JS/electron/RAM-hungry apps
<Anderson-D> (No offense to JS devs, only to corporations who abuse it such with tools such as M$ teams)
<Anderson-D> s/such with/with/
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<pkap> When I change the scaling factor of an output, am I supposed to change the positioning accordingly?
<pkap> Because when set the scale of my left output to say 0.8 and I change nothing else, I have the cursor on both outputs at the same time.
<pkap> Or more specifically, the outputs are overlapping.
<dnkl> pretty sure the answer is yes. At least that's how it works in sway
<emersion> yup, the mode resolution is divided by the scale
<pkap> Ok thanks dnkl, emersion :)
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<Fr0stBit> Hello!
<novakane> o7
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<Fr0stBit> Its almost xmas and I'm jumping into the wayland train with river!
<Fr0stBit> I'm gradually making the setup viable, my only enemy now is hidpi
<Fr0stBit> Any tips?
<Fr0stBit> I did setup kanshi with scale 1.75 (as this is the proper scale for my laptop screen) and xwayland stuff are blurry :(
<Fr0stBit> Even foot is blurry
<novakane> I don't think xwayland support hidpi
<novakane> also IIRC integer value are better for scale
<novakane> although I never used scale so there is probably someone better than me to talk about this
<Fr0stBit> Well scale 2 is waaay too big
<Fr0stBit> Even on my external monitor I need scale 1.25
<dnkl> well, fractional scaling means the compositor will downscale a 2x scaled image produced by the application
<dnkl> that will always have some amount of blurriness
<Fr0stBit> I have my dpi set in Xorg as 168 (scaling 1.75) and everything is crispy clean
<Fr0stBit> I thought that the 'scale' factor was the dpi setting in wayland
<Fr0stBit> waybar for example is crispy clean with scale factor 1.75
<dnkl> crispy clean is impossible. But different fonts may perhaps look better or worse when downscaled
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<Fr0stBit> dnkl: Actually it is possible? Display scaling does not mean take this framebuffer and scale it by 'x' factor, it means use this 'x' factor in your font rendering and render a 10pt font as a 16pt font, in order for it to look ok
<Fr0stBit> Thats what the programs under X do
<Fr0stBit> when they check the Xft.dpi setting
<dnkl> no, in Wayland, it _does_ mean scale the buffer by X
<dnkl> if you want truly crispy text, use s scaling factor of 1, and increase the font size instead
<dnkl> (that's why "scaling factor" doesn't mention "dpi" anywhere)
<dnkl> fwiw: foot will use your monitor's dpi automatically, when the scaling factor is 1
<dnkl> of course, you'd have to manually set the font size for other programs
<novakane> interesting read
<Fr0stBit> Ok so in that case, I do NOT want to scale the screen!
<Fr0stBit> dnkl: What if the dpi that my monitor reports is not the desired one?
<dnkl> set dpi-aware=no, or explicitly set the dpi on the font
<dnkl> (font=name:dpi=X)
<dnkl> (might be best to disable dpi-aware regardless)
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<ifreund> Thanks for the congrats all! Contributing to Zig has been a lot of fun :)
<tiosgz_> hah. congrats also from me :)
<novakane> ifreund: I was wondering reading the changelog, couldn't we use `std.build.FileSource` for like zig-wayland or maybe others deps in river build.zig?
<ifreund> novakane: zig-wayland already uses std.build.GeneratedFile on the next-zig branch, what exactly are you proposing to change?
<novakane> ifreund: oh, I guess I was confused by the example in the changelog then, I thoought it was something different in the next-zig branch
<ifreund> novakane: I just used a bit of a different API than the example it seems
<novakane> yeah I see that now, I should have look better before asking :P
<leon-p> let me look into it
<ifreund> e.g. if EAGAIN is returned on the first flush() call and then the second call succeeds then the loop will be restarted as errno hasn't been reset
<ifreund> and so you get stuck in a busy loop until flush() returns an error other than EAGAIN
<ifreund> I think the proper loop condition would be the check if the return value is less than 0
<leon-p> Hmmm... makes sense. I think the event loop is also missing a dispatch before entering poll.
<ifreund> for some reason running multiple copies of river-tag-overlay in a nested session seems to consistently hit this case
<ifreund> at least on my machine
<leon-p> yeah, I can reproduce, but only in a nested session
<leon-p> good timing, I wanted to replace the event loop anyway, so I guess I have a project tonight. Unfortunately I came up with the snippet over a year ago, so I have a lot of projects to patch :P
<ifreund> nice :)
<leon-p> although I am curious, what made you run multiple river-tag-overlay instances in a nested river?
<ifreund> leon-p: I'm also seeing an issue where --timeout doesn't work in a nested session and was trying to debug that
<ifreund> and because my init file automatically starts a river-tag-overlay instance I ended up with multiple
<leon-p> I don't see how timeout would work differently in nested vs native...
<ifreund> leon-p: could be the same or another event loop bug/race condition...
<ifreund> hmm, I don't see how timeouts are supposed to work tbh. I don't see any code to cause a wakeup from poll when the timeout expires
<ifreund> oh nvm, that's an argument to the poll call
<leon-p> ifreund: can you test if this patch fixes it? https://paste.rs/qf2
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<ifreund> leon-p: I can't seem to reproduce the busy loop anymore, timeouts still never expire in a nested session though for whatever reason
<novakane> that's weird I never had this problem and I used a lot of nested session
<novakane> unrealted but looking at it, there is a space before the tabs, line 1195 leon-p
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<ifreund> leon-p: ok, timeouts not working were actually my fault, had a small regression from the wlroots update
<novakane> what cause this? In the events?
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<novakane> ifreund: ah, I see, wrong protocol
<novakane> or rather more wrong interface
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<novakane> having fun with the Ci huh? ifreund :P
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