ifreund changed the topic of #river to: river - a dynamic tiling wayland compositor || https://github.com/riverwm/river || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/river/
<snakedye> I remember writing some kind of lockscreen and because my cursor was hovering foot it disappeared each time I ran the client and I was unable to click the close button
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<Guest39> Hello! Anyone here using kile?
<Guest39> I'm having real trouble trying to use the layouts...
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<snakedye> Yes
<ifreund> leon-p: There have been some waylock issues reported and I have no desire to debug rust code, so I'm going to rewrite it in Zig and might as well make an actually secure protocol first :D
<ifreund> good point about keyboard focus, should probably just state that it's compositor policy.
<ifreund> what would likely make sense to implement would be giving the first surface created keyboard focus and changing it if other surfaces are clicked on
<emersion> leon-p: yes, swaylock hides the cursor
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<ifreund> leon-p: added a bit about keyboard/pointer focus being up to the compositor there :)
<novakane> dumb question but what does "!100" means on gitlab, just like "#100" on github?
<ifreund> yep
<novakane> ok thanks, wasn't sure
<novakane> personally I just an empty tag as screenlock, a tiling wm is already a great lockscreen for most people :P
<ifreund> xD
<tiosgz_> novakane: and switch off all bars to get only the wallpaper :)
<novakane> tiosgz_: well I don't have any bars so I'm good :D
<novakane> cool article about the new Allocator in zig 0.9 https://pithlessly.github.io/allocgate.html
<novakane> ifreund: does the new allocator changes something when you use the c_allocator, like river?
<ifreund> novakane: yes, the type of std.heap.c_allocator has changed
<ifreund> depending on your code this might not actually break much though
<novakane> so it gonna improve a bit performance too?
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<leon-p> ifreund: nice!
<leon-p> off-topic, but since it came up: I wonder if you can do the reverse of c_allocator: some sort of shim so that malloc and calloc in linked C code can use a user specified allocator.
<leon-p> ifreund: I looked over the protocol again and I can't find any obvious problems, I think it will both for smaller compositors and the Big Desktops™.
<leon-p> I'll take another look tomorrow
<ifreund> leon-p: I've seen that reverse C allocator thing done already, but I can't remember where
<ifreund> maybe r/zig?
<ifreund> thanks for taking a look at the protocol!
<ifreund> I'm also kind of thinking of it as warm up for the river window management protocol I want to do xD
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<novakane> gonna be weird when river window mangement protocol ask for a password everytime you want to focus an other window :P
<leon-p> for rivers windowmanagement protocol it probably makes sense to look at how X handles window managers for inspiration, even if it'll just server as a _bad_ example.
<ifreund> I don't expect that the interface I want will look anything like that, I think I just need to get in the right headspace and write a lot of xml and zig to get something working then iterate from there
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<Anderson-D> Is it possible to make some windows non-floating by default? I've seen config to make them float, but how to do the opposite?
<Anderson-D> Use cases are spotify (XWayland) and minecraft client (XWayland)
<Anderson-D> And another question: do layout generators manage floating windows as well? Looking for a way to set positions for some floating windows once they appear
<leon-p> nope, layout generators don't do anything with floating windows
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