hmm, I don't really feel like officially supporting login/session managers. I haven't ever used one
I feel like distros adding a simple 5 line file in a patch to match whatever session manager config they support is a fine solution
anyone have strong opinions on that?
Ok then, I'll add it to the package
There's always time to change it
yeah, it's easy to add but if I were to start officially distributing it I can't really stop doing so :D
without a breaking change that nobody likes :D
a patch sounds better yeah, and once it done it should not be hard to maintain for packager
done :D
nice, thanks for packaging river!
ifreund: RE your review, moving the output focusing to the else branch won't work, because seat.setFocusRaw() only focuses the output of a surface if that surface is a view, not a layer surface.
I think it would make sense to change setFocusRaw() here
leon-p: oh, I didn't mean the focusOutput() call, just the focus(null) line
ah, I see
correction: setFocusRaw() does not change output focus for views, it just asserts it
I think the current behavior of setFocusRaw() is fine, or at least fine enough that there's not really anything to be gained by changing it