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<bjdooks> hmm, i seem to have spent some time working on a patch to trap handler to catch rdcycle and emulate
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<bjdooks> ^ patch to emualte rdcycle with rdtime if it gets as far as the trap handler.
<bjdooks> I'm wondering if we should just make the trap handler have a list of instruction masks and then be able to call things like the vector code
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<jrtc27> bjdooks: only the cover letter seems to have hit the list?
<bjdooks> hmm, i don't have access to the smarthost to check what it is up to
<bjdooks> jrtc27: ok, thanks, will chase up if they don't turn up by end of the day
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<bjdooks> jrtc27: i think at least one has made it through now
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<bjdooks> Argh and I failed to fold a fix in properly
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<bjdooks> grr this has burned throygh most of my battery
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<Tenkawa> mps: having no luck getting rcu stability so far with the 6.6 kernel in any configuration
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<mps> Tenkawa: `uptime` on my board is now '18:32:10 up 2 days, 20:58, 0 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00'
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<mps> I can later upload my config somewhere if you want to look
<Tenkawa> Its highly unlikely the config
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<Tenkawa> I think there's a fundamental difference in your revision of the board
<Tenkawa> yours is newer
<Tenkawa> whats the silkscreen rev on yours?
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<Tenkawa> (right under the BPI logo)
<mps> back or top side
<Tenkawa> front
<Tenkawa> in front of the otg usb port
<Tenkawa> (usb-c)
<mps> I only see "BPI" in ellipse and "BPI F3"
<Tenkawa> look under it there is a tiny v something
<Tenkawa> (very small)
<mps> yes, unreadable but looks like "v10" maybe
<Tenkawa> oh interestnig... its a v1.0 still
<Tenkawa> interesting indeed
<mps> I have to find magnifying glass
<Tenkawa> they either didn't bother restamping (which wouldn't surprise me) or they are still using same base
<Tenkawa> if you have a cell phone... that should have a zoom
<Tenkawa> (ie magnifier)
<Tenkawa> thats what I use lol
<mps> my phone don't have it, installed lineageos
<Tenkawa> ah
<mps> but I have good mag. glass somewhere, have to find it
<Tenkawa> the board stays somewhat stable util you start multi threaded code
<Tenkawa> thats when it goes downhill
<Tenkawa> your wifi ap isn't going to really test that
<mps> all utils I tried works fine
<Tenkawa> You are on NVMe right?
<mps> no, emmc
<Tenkawa> That could also be part of it
<mps> right
<Tenkawa> but I "really" want the NVMe to work
<mps> I don't have spare one to test
<Tenkawa> heheh.. I have about 6 spares
<mps> this board for my use case will work fine with emmc
<Tenkawa> getting closer to fixing this though
<Tenkawa> Yeah my F3 doesn't even have a emmc
<mps> ah
<Tenkawa> oh wait
<Tenkawa> I'm using it for swap
<mps> hehe
<Tenkawa> let me try moving the microsd to it
<Tenkawa> and see if it helps any
<Tenkawa> I dont need swap currently
<Tenkawa> the microsd is nothing but uboot and /boot
<Tenkawa> kinda a waste
<mps> I always have rescue system on sd card for all my devices
<mps> cards*
<Tenkawa> well "yours" does have SPI... mine doesnt
<Tenkawa> that is forcing my hand on emmc/microsd having one avail for boot
<mps> dmesg '3.787375] spi-nor spi4.0: unrecognized JEDEC id bytes: 00 00 00 00 00 00;
<Tenkawa> oh.. I thoughts yours worked
<mps> s/;/'/
<Tenkawa> edolnx has a board with working spi
<Tenkawa> he has the 2gb one though
<Tenkawa> they put a spi on it... not sure why these don't have spi chips soldered on
<Tenkawa> ok. afk while I try "this" experiment
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<hexdump0815> Tenkawa: i'm running basically your v6.6 kernel and it seems to be stable running a j8 kernel build for me so far (just started)
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<Tenkawa> hexdump0815: what media?
<Tenkawa> I think we might have isolated a potential direction to look....
<hexdump0815> Tenkawa: this is on a 4/16 f3 without spi chip with v1.0 silkscreen ... running from nvme and still using some old roginal u-boot and opensbi though
<Tenkawa> so you are using a microsd or emmc to boot it right?
<hexdump0815> Tenkawa: small heatsink and fan in the f3 acryl case ... booting from micro-sd - emmc untouched so far
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<hexdump0815> Tenkawa: in case you want to give my setup a try, its essentially this image: with the kernel replaced by this one
<hexdump0815> Tenkawa: for using this kernel just untar it in / and change the version in /boot/uEnv.ini
<hexdump0815> Tenkawa: j8 compile is still running fine, loadavg is 10 though, so the 2 extra seem to be there, but i guess they are maybe just some phantom load?
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<Tenkawa> hexdump0815: with the phantom load it doesn't have the problem... this is part of what we are trying to fix (thats caused by remoteproc)
<Tenkawa> its v1d spin being created by the REMOTEPROC and ROMSG drivers
<Tenkawa> er RPMSG
<hexdump0815> Tenkawa: oh - i though you also have problems with remoteprocs and only disabled them to get rid of crashes and rcu stalls - then i got it wrong i guess
<Tenkawa> no
<Tenkawa> removing those "causes" the problem
<hexdump0815> ok - then forget all i wrote :)
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<Tenkawa> thats the "high cpu load" fix though
<Tenkawa> its a lose lose situaton
<mps> hexdump0815: I've built it without REMOTEPROC enabled and without esos.elf firmware
<hexdump0815> lose lose in the sense of either the spin or instability?
<Tenkawa> Honestly I'm not sure if that cpu load is even real... but if anything "uses" the cpu counters its a problem
<Tenkawa> hexdump0815: no... fix one to break the other
<Tenkawa> mps: until you are running nvme you have a whole different IO/scheduler pattern than we do
<Tenkawa> that introduces variables that we aren't working with
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<Tenkawa> (and vice versa)
<Tenkawa> heh... just idle:
<Tenkawa> root@bpibox:~# mk[ 370.705616] rcu: INFO: rcu_sched detected stalls on CPUs/tasks:
<Tenkawa> and hung
<Tenkawa> Let me try loading up withought nvme
<Tenkawa> er without
<Tenkawa> (gotta build a new image first)
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