sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<ganboing> drmpeg, I have a sifive unmatched. Here's what's going on with the slowness:
<ganboing> By default CPU runs at very low frequency @26Mhz before switching to corepll
<ganboing> The switching happens when riscv_cpu_probe() is called and the CPU clocks are initialized.
<ganboing> Thus, removing the call will cause CPU in u-boot SPL running *very* slowly, taking a looong time to load from SPI/MMC
<drmpeg> That make a lot of sense. It also explains why VF2 is not affected.
<drmpeg> Thanks.
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<bjoto> Who's coming to LPC? If so, don't forget to join the RV MC :P
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<xypron> OpenSBI intialises the FS field in mstatus. Shouldn't KVM do the same for vsstatus? Floating point not enabled in VS mode let's EDK II crash under KVM.
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<bjdooks> I might give LPC a miss as I'm already knackerd from just being here since Saturday
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<bjoto> bjdooks: How's Vienna? Wet?
<Tenkawa> Someone pass some of the rain here....
<Tenkawa> we need it.... bad
<Tenkawa> (we're in a major droughr right now)
<Tenkawa> er drought
<bjdooks> It's wet and the wet is trying to go horizontal sometimes
<bjdooks> Should be over by tomorrow
<ch> yeah its wet
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<mps> Tenkawa: built kernel 6.6 with these options disabled
<mps> uptime is 1 day and 20 hours, load is mostly 0.00
<mps> all 8 cpus are online
<Tenkawa> nice..
<Tenkawa> have you tried putting load on it though?
<mps> also, disabled use of esos.elf firmware
<Tenkawa> oh?
<Tenkawa> do tell
<Tenkawa> I would be interested in trying that
<Tenkawa> I can still crash it with high load if I keep all cpres online
<Tenkawa> er cores
<mps> if the REMOTEPROC is disabled then this firmware is not needed
<Tenkawa> Ahh..
<mps> I use it as wifi AP and it works fine, though once I noticed high load (little over 2.00) for about 30-60 seconds
<Tenkawa> as long as it doesn't "stay" there... I think that's a win
<Tenkawa> (and of course stable)
<mps> I guess we will meet a lot more quirks but all in all it can be now used for something useful
<Tenkawa> indeed.. its early in the dev cycle lol
<mps> I don't work much for it. trying to upgrade loongarch64 to 6.11 kernel for alpine
<Tenkawa> going to hook mine up here in a minute and try disabling esos.elf then my stress test
<Tenkawa> If it lasts more than 1-2 min without crashing thats longer than it has ever gone
<Tenkawa> (during the test)
<mps> esos.elf is used only for remoteproc which is riscv32
<mps> it is actually some small real time os for it
<Tenkawa> I didn't think it would be needed
<Tenkawa> that bewildered me why it was there
<mps> well, I run quite fine some arm machine without Arm Trusted Firmware (ATF) which is also small OS for Cortex-M cpus in most of arm SoCs
<Tenkawa> I could see the mailbox "possibly"... but remoteproc seemed wrong
<Tenkawa> (having it enabled)
<mps> and actually I want to escape these 'firmware' wherever and whenever I can, especially if they are closed source
<Tenkawa> haahaa... good luck... that's unlikely to happen
<mps> well, not on all but on most boards works fine
<Tenkawa> Even with RISC-V there's going to be that dilemma...
<Tenkawa> heh
<mps> right
<Tenkawa> Ok... board is plugged up.. booting up so I can find that elf file
<mps> it doesn't sounds good to use closed source and low level on machine so open as riscv
<Tenkawa> haahaa indeed
<mps> btw, high load I noticed is with rtw_sdio_tx
<mps> s/is/was/
<wigyori> bjoto: i'm on the summit but only gonna go to the MC :)
<Tenkawa> mps: I don't use the onboard rtw
<Tenkawa> its disabled on mine
<Tenkawa> thats how I found the v1
<mps> aha
<Tenkawa> I do "not" like those button antenna mounts (dexterity issues) so I do anything I can not to use onboard wifi
<mps> hm, most of these small Access Points are such
<Tenkawa> yeah I know
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<Tenkawa> I put in external nics on all of them
<mps> also visionfive V1 have it
<Tenkawa> I have a VF2 with USB3 nic
<mps> my VF1 worked quite fine with internal wifi, on VF2 I even didn't tried to attach usb one I've got with it
<Tenkawa> Ok.. moved that elf firmware out of the way and reenabled all 8 cores.... lets see if it can run my test heheheh
<Tenkawa> locked it up... 14 seconds
<Tenkawa> just doing a make -j8 on the kernel
<Tenkawa> it hits rcu stalls
<Tenkawa> oh... remoteproc is still enabled
<Tenkawa> let me get that disabled'
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<Tenkawa> mps: building a kernel replacement on 1 core is slow lol... I should've cross compiled it on my M1 Mac lol
<Tenkawa> I do a lot of my other builds that way haahaa
<mps> heh, 1 cpu could be slow
<Tenkawa> yeah I'm running it on one core to avoid the rcu condition for now
<Tenkawa> until I can be sure I have everything out
<mps> though emulation of riscv on m1 is not so fast also
<Tenkawa> Actually its native
<Tenkawa> RV and Arm64 aren'r cross
<Tenkawa> er aren't
<Tenkawa> I can build the kernel on here in about 7 minutes if I need it fast
<mps> I'm not satisfied with qemu running riscv64 on m1
<Tenkawa> I use this machine for all of my fast builds
<Tenkawa> oh.. I'm not using qemu
<Tenkawa> I'm running VMWare/Linux
<mps> ah, cross build?
<Tenkawa> no
<Tenkawa> Paravor
<Tenkawa> er paravirt
<Tenkawa> native
<mps> ah, understand
<Tenkawa> I have a Parallels Pro license too but I've actually been liking VMWare more and more lately so I probably won'r resubsctibe after it ends next
<Tenkawa> er resubscribe
<Tenkawa> VMWare's latest Fusion on Mac really stepped it up
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<mps> happily I have lxc access on milk-v pioneer machine where I can build big software
<Tenkawa> haahaa
<Tenkawa> nice
<jrtc27> I just use virt-manager on macOS
<Tenkawa> I've occasionally used UTM
<jrtc27> which works just fine for headless VMS
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