sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs:
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<geist> the usual rationale is probably some sort of network switching embedded thing
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<la_mettrie> on starfive's discussion forum they said that register data for visionfive could be obtained from them by sending an e-mail to a certain address. now i've been waiting an answer for a week. do you know if anybody has got any data?
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<LordDoskias> is there some todo for the linux port of riscv?
<LordDoskias> i mean a list of outstanding items?
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<courmisch> unlord: I used spike. I suppose that QEMU-user works with the right magic but haven't troed
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<courmisch> unlord: spike + proxy kernel that is. Linux kernel is no go so far
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<unlord> courmisch: huh, I would like to do that
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<conchuod> palmer: idk if you saw my email earlier, but I am happy to do the leg work with keeping track of my dts cleanups & put them on my for-5.20+ branch, if you want?
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<palmer> Sorry, I haven't seen it -- some non-work stuff is kind of tanking my productivity right now. If it's Microsemi DT stuff and it's reviewed then probably best to just queue it and send a PR before the merge window, but if it's for other platforms I'll pick it up -- better not to change too many things at once, it's kind of confusing how patches go in for new folks
<jim-wilson[m]> LordDoskias: Linux in general or the linux kernel specifically? The Chinese Academy of Sciences has multiple RISC-V Linux in general projects in progress. Their 2022 TODO list from January is here: More up to date info is available if you can read Chinese, or if you attend the Asian time zone RISC-V Open Hours meetings.
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<conchuod> palmer: ye that's fine. :)
<conchuod> I'll lyk before the window what made it and what didn't.
<conchuod> w.r.t. the corresponding bindings ^
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<muurkha> hope the non-work stuff is positive stuff, palmer, condolences if not
<palmer> Unfortunately it's a mess, but hopefully over by tomorrow morning
<muurkha> :(
<muurkha> I was hoping it was that you were getting married or something
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