cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<mgorny> if my grep is correct, Gentoo enabled pypy3.11 in 622 packages out of 834 having pypy3.10
<mgorny> most of them with no issues at all, a few with no regressions from pypy3.10, and a handful with some minor regressions compared to pypy3.10!
<ztrawhcse> I did discover in the meson upstream CI that fnmatch is a bit busted
<ztrawhcse> I also see that meson has not had pypy3.11 enabled in the ebuild though :)
<mgorny> ztrawhcse: fnmatch you're saying? i'm about to debug a weird problem where flit can't find readme file, i wonder if it's the same cause
<mgorny> yep, Path.glob("*.*") doesn't seem to work
<mgorny> ztrawhcse: fixed in pypy-
<ztrawhcse> nice thought, however, the meson CI runs on archlinux :P
<ztrawhcse> so erm, good luck getting that one fixed
<ztrawhcse> however I did realize that the usage of Path.glob() in question was actually pointless
<ztrawhcse> so I deleted it altogether :D
<ztrawhcse> _p1 should mean you can add pypy3.11 to _COMPAT though
<ztrawhcse> (I have not tested the ebuild to see if it passes tests using PYTHON_TARGETS=pypy3_11 but I *think* there should be no other issues)
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