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Congrats on the release! I'm currently attempting to bump rpypkgs to commit 987a5017fba503a01ac6ec4e321156d774565dd3, and I'm also going to try to build the PyPy 3.11 tarball.
My first attempt crashed my local builder. My second attempt passed tests for Brainfuck and DIVSPL after building the PyPy 2.7 bootstrap. I
*I'll let y'all know if anything breaks, but it should be fine. Thanks for your hard work!
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PyPy for Python 3.11 builds successfully, but I get an error when testing that curses, lzma, sqlite3, and tkinter can be imported: KeyError: 'ATOMIC_GROUP'
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korvo: hm, I have a theory
korvo: 3.11 needs some rpython features. and it seems I haven't actually merged that branch back to default :-(
korvo: I've done so now
cfbolz: Ah, I can see how that could be related. I've bumped the hashes and started another build. I'm not going to be able to stay awake, though; I'll report in a few hours.
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cfbolz: could you merge the gcc fixes to py3.10 branch?
interesting enough, it returns correct path in 7.3.17, and on top of git in my homedir
i guess "Prefer static sysconfigdata if it exists" is to blame
yep, if i move sysconfigdata gen after CFFI module builds, they work
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cfbolz: that _sqlite patch didn't do it
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tumbleweed: matti is away for the weekend, if I have some time tomorrow I'll take a look. otherwise next week
cfbolz: I hacked it to work for now
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cfbolz: I can build the bootstrap, but the resulting PyPy 2.7 can't start any builds. The traceback is more-or-less the same each time: https://bpa.st/FWUA
ok, let me check
it's relatively likely my fault :-(
No worries! I figured I'm usually going to be the first person to actually ask PyPy to bootstrap itself from source, given that it's a time-consuming pain even with a one-command workflow.
korvo: it sounds like the pypy2.7 that you built first isnt' really able to run anything at all though, if it can't import site
cfbolz: Yep. But that's a totally different bootstrap than the one that had the 3.11 import failures.