cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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atomizer_ is now known as atomizer
<krono> congrats on the release
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<mgorny> sorry for not reporting the gcc-14 problem earlier
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<tumbleweed> mgorny: I've got different translation issues (and presumably I'll hit your one too):
<mgorny> yeah, i've translated using pypy
<tumbleweed> hrm, retrying worked
<cfbolz> tumbleweed: yeah, I couldn't reproduce it locally either
<tumbleweed> the vmprof gcc-14 issue seems trivial, at least
<cfbolz> yeah, I'm working on fixing it
<mgorny> cfbolz: it built!
<mgorny> beware, i'm starting builds for all scary targets
<cfbolz> mgorny: excellent
<cfbolz> mgorny: what are the 'scary' targets?
<mgorny> cfbolz: amd64, arm64, ppc64le, x86, all glibc + musl
<mgorny> 3.10 looks good with the patches too
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<mgorny> hm, did something change wrt extension building? perhaps i'm messing something up but the code i've used with 7.3.17 to build ( now fails to find Python.h
<mgorny> or to be more precisely, fails to find it if pypy3 is not installed to /usr yet
<mgorny> yeah, 7.3.17 used -I/tmp/portage/dev-lang/pypy-
<mgorny> but 7.3.18 uses -I/usr/include/pypy3.10
<mgorny> hmm, but only for _ctypes_test.c?