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Converting a stringification line from 'sqstr = "{}".format(square)' to 'sqstr = str(square)' (square is an int) improved pypy3 runtime from 9.8s to 8.2s on my fedora 41 x86-64 desktop.
rindolf: file a bug please?
cfbolz: ok, let me see
cfbolz: moreover, converting 'if bst.startwith("0"):' to 'if bst[0] == "0":' brings runtime down to 7.5s. what should i report?
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rindolf: both, if you want
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I considered trying to test building pypy from source - the instructions for that on the website seem to be outdated. They seem to assume you have python2 installed, which is not the norm on Linux distributions anymore. And the build dependencies for Debian list python 2 libraries. Debian does not distribute python 2 or libraries for it any more.
well, you need some python2 implementation to build pypy
If that's hard to change, the build docs should at least state that at the very beginning - "You need to build or otherwise acquire a python2 interpreter to bootstrap pypy" instead of implicitly assuming you have something installed that nowadays is not the norm.
uau: fair, please open a PR to fix the docs along those lines
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i'm seeing some segfault from pydantic-core -- but i'm not 100% sure since i'm poorly backporting matti's pyo3 changes, need to retest against git pyo3 later
sigh, git looks incompatible
and i find it hard to follow what's happening in pyo3
why main is 0.23.3, while release branch is 0.23.4
executing is going to be a major blocker; it seems to be completely broken with pypy3.11, and the author didn't even reply to minor issues with pypy3.10
uau: I don't know what you've tried so far. I have build instructions for ActiveState CPython, but they require Nix and would have to be adapted for Debian. If you're okay with running binaries you didn't build yourself, then PyPy for Python 2.7 can translate RPython programs and you can grab it from the downloads page.
i left it at least for now, but i could use the build system of the existing debian pypy3 package (it first builds a vendored python2.7 to use for building pypy3)
Yep, that's what rpypkgs does as well. First a CPython for each new platform, then a PyPy 2.7 with `--translationmodules --withmod-thread`, and then everything else including full PyPys for Python 2 and 3.
the debian package never builds a pypy2 i think (no use for that anywhere)
If you're only building one or two RPython packages, then it might not be worthwhile. In rpypkgs, it saves hours of build time.