cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<cfbolz> mgorny: we just had a report about ExceptionGroup and init arguments, maybe it's related?
<cfbolz> mgorny: are there any other 3.11 issues that you'd really like fixed in the upcoming Bugfix release?
<mgorny> i think that's a different problem
<mgorny> i don't really know yet, i've only started testing
<mgorny> though things are looking pretty good so far
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<mgorny> i mean, i personally actually think the more verbose output from pypy is better
<mgorny> that said, it could be specific to C API, or PyO3, or the above with .pyi file...
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<cfbolz> mgorny: would you file a bug about it to be on the save side?
<cfbolz> mgorny: thanks for all your help getting the annoyances fixed!
<mgorny> will do
<mgorny> btw i've already backported the previous fix to gentoo, and i don't need a new release right now
<mgorny> in fact, probably little point in doing a new release before pyo3 is released
<cfbolz> mgorny: because they also did a bunch of fixes?
<mgorny> yeah, Matti did. the current release doesn't build with pypy3.11 at all
<mgorny> so i need to patch every single rust package to test it, which is suboptimal
<mgorny> actually, you may be right about exception groups
<mgorny> i need to run in a minute
<mattip> thanks for all the testing!
<mgorny> thanks for your hard work
<mgorny> i'm really looking forward to remove python 3.10 from gentoo
<mgorny> and all the optional deps on tomli :-)
<mgorny> s/optional/conditional/
<mattip> it seems there will not be a pyo3 release for a month or so
<mattip> I would like to get the bugfix release out soonish since it has some segfault fixes
<mgorny> sure -- i just wanted to say not to do one specifically for me
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