mgorny: Start a data science company, make $1trillion dollars and bankroll pypy?
pypy is really good for lots of things. The dream would be having the latest cpython version's features and a drop in replacement, but that's unlikely to happens resourcewise I imagine.
It's a matter of politics, not just resources. That said, if the desire is to just see one particular feature in PyPy, it might be possible for an individual to contribute that feature on their own.
Corbin: Is there pushback on some features?
Atque: No, PyPy welcomes contributions. The source of problems is that CPython and PyPy are distinct; features proposed and popular within the CPython community don't always come with a plan for how non-CPython systems will implement them.
Yeah, makes sense. So there's no overall body setting the development of python variants (CPython, PyPy, Jython, IronPython etc.)?
No. Depending on who you ask and how you measure, my prior estimate is that around 98% of the Python ecosystem uses CPython exclusively. We are on the edges of a monoculture.
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ctismer: I opened an issue about the warnings on NumPy 1.22+