darn. Even this segfaults on the release since binary compatibility is broken: 'pypy -m pip install numpy; pypy -c "import numpy; numpy.test()"'
mgorny, tumbleweed: is there a way to re-release 7.3.6 with a backward compatible API?
mattip: i'd make it 7.3.7 to avoid confusion
and add a big warning to 7.3.6
that said, are we talking about pypy3.8 too or just 2.7/3.7?
(i probably didn't notice because i went straight for 3.8, so total rebuild was expected anyway)
mattip: not sure to see the point, just do a 7.4.0 and don't spend time reverting carefully some bits
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arigato: yeah, it appears we will have to
but then this means projects like cryptography will have to release wheels for both pp37-pypy73 and pp37-pypy74
mgorny: pypy3.8 would be OK to move to 7.4.0 since it is too early for wheels to have appeared with pp38-pypy73
mattip: yeah, i'd prefer not to have to rebuild everything there ;-)
i.e. leave the new ABI for pypy38 as-is
is the ultimate goal of pypy3.7 to continue being updated for a while, or just dropped?
if dropped, then I see the point of wanting to at least not change its C ABI right now
arigato: correct. If progess on py3.9 moves quickly, and we do not see too many problems with py3.8, I will propose that the bugfix release be the last release of py3.7
so it seems I should release pypy3.7 v7.3.7 and pypy3.8 v7.4.0. Complicated
you could also say that older pypy3.8 < 7.3.6 were beta anyway, and not care about wheels built with them
and only release pypy3.7 7.3.7
well, NumPy for instance is releasing in 6 weeks.
If we declare 7.3.6 broken (which it is) and do not release a pypy3.8 v7.4.0, then they will not release a pypy3.8 binary wheel at all
no, I mean, pypy3.8 7.3.6 is not broken, if nobody used the older pypy3.8 < 7.3.6 because they were beta
if I'm wrong about that, then fine :-)
you are not wrong, we could continue calling the version "7.3.x" as long as we keep pypy3.7 with the older, 7.3.5, ABI
we never released a pypy3.8 < 7.3.6
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mattip: hm, complicated
mattip: are there any ABI changes we held back but like to do at some point?
I would like to get our PyThreadState struct more inline with CPython,
and design a stable API like CPython's abi3
but there are none we held back from the release
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mattip: right
Anyway, seems mgorny has pretty reasonable arguments
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ok, so we stick with 7.3.7 (for the c-api reversion on py3.7) and the next real release will be 7.3.8
unless we decide it is worth the price to break ABI compatibility for PyThreadState or some kind of stable API
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mattip: thanks for dealing with this
doesn't matter to me (because we still don't build anything against pypy3.x in Debian)
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tumbleweed: thanks
making progress with 3.9, very slowly
trying to get the stdlib tests to run again
My rffi declaration is https://bpa.st/VL2Q and translation works, but the C compiler complains "undefined reference to `stbi_write_png'"
pre_include_bits=["#define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION"] helps a little? This gets the STB library to define its procedures, but it defines them multiple times, so now I get "multiple definition of `stbi_write_png'"
cfbolz: we should try to get some of our changes to stdlib into upstream, so the merge is easier
mattip: actually I was pleasantly surprised that quite a few of our changes were in 3.9
Corbin: can you try to mimic an example use of stb_image_write.h somewhere so you know what has to be define/undefined?
mattip: eg almost all gc.collects in tests
mattip: I think I got it. I used a separate module which effectively just becomes the instantiated header; https://bpa.st/P3XA translates.
And it produces a PNG! Progress. Sorry for rubber-ducking.
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