Hi. I think I'm doing something wrong. I am runing Ubuntu 20.04 and installed the "pypy" pacakge from the repos. When I run my program using "pypy3" instead of "python3," "import PIL" seems to fail because it's trying to load PIL from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages, aka where my distro keeps cpython packages.
Also, if I try "pypy3 -m pip install pillow" it complains that pillow is already in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages. So my question is, how do I get pypy to install its own PIL or pillow, instead of clashing with the cpython module?
This is the actual error from "from PIL import Image": ImportError: cannot import name '_imaging'
Or am I going about this all wrong?
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indyZ: debian/ubuntu packages pypy in a way that tries to share /usr/lib/python3, but on the other hand does not ship pypy3-specific binary packages
this creates a confusing situation where users think they have a valid package for pypy (like PIL) but in fact do not
so you need to install pypy-specific packages, which are available via "pip"
another option is to use conda, since then the chances you will be able to use pre-compiled binary packages is greater
there are ~1000 precompiled binary packages in conda, and much fewer on PyPI
if all you need is PIL and NumPy, you may be able to get by
olliemath: those packages are conceptually the same ones as in the primary archive, just always the latest version
hmm, my bad then - I must have done some extra voodoo to get it working
I have both the apt version of pillow and several pypy venvs with pillow on ubuntu 20.04
ahh, so pypy3-pillow is a package and I was giving bad advice?
^ not an apt package - I meant that I just installed it via pip
possibly I get away with this because I use "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python3" to install pip, rather than using the version in apt?
olliemath: pypy3-pillow *could* (and should) be a package, but isn't there yet
err mattip
olliemath: python3-pip should work just fine
but really, you should use pypy3 -m venv to create a virtualenv and install stuff in there with its pip
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thanks for the clarification
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I am now officially terminally confused by the object model
ah, no, good again
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and with that pip works on pypy3.9
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mattip: thanks for the insight re: pypy, PIL and ubuntu. Sounds like I ought to just remove the distro packages alltogether and go another route.
since "pip" clashes with the cpython packages