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<taleon> The key combination 'dw' (delete word) does not work as expected in vip. Sometimes the following whitespace, quote and the next open bracket are also deleted, sometimes only half a word or no word at all is deleted. In repl (pil +) 'dw' works without problems.
<taleon> What could be the reason for this?
<taleon> But 'db' (delete back) works as it should.
<abu[7]> Yes, this is correct
<abu[7]> 'd' combined with a move command deletes inclusive the destination point
<abu[7]> VI is not consistent here
<abu[7]> So the behavior is not really planned in Vip, but a consequence of the logic behind this
<abu[7]> This is in fact mentioned in
<abu[7]> "w, however, behaves differently in Vi/Vim"
<abu[7]> So the recommended command is dTAB instead of dw
<taleon> Thanks for the explanation and the link. That makes sense. I didn't know d<tab> yet. So now I can use both behaviors.
<abu[7]> 'de' or 'dE' behave like in Vim
<abu[7]> ok :)
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