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Nistur: hey! welcome back
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hey aw- :)
also, g'mornin' all :)
There are not many things I miss about UK... but one thing I _do_ miss is being able to have a fried breakfast. I can't even really make one here... baked beans I can get hold of, but they're uncommon (more common across the border in .nl though) eggs are obviously easy... bacon... can only seem to get American style bacon, which is like 75% fat so meh... sausages... now... sausages here are much better
than British sausages, obviously... but they're not right. It just... tastes wrong.
+++ RANT ENDS +++
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Nistur, hehe
maybe try .nl sausages, they're also horrible :D
good bacon is really such a problem? also when sourcing it from a butcher instead of common super market?
I haven't seen any... there's a butcher near to MiniNisturette's kindergarten
but opening times rarely coincide with non-working times...
ygrek has joined #picolisp
yeah, that is a common anti-pattern
decided to print out a dummy model of one of the screens I was considering for my cyberdeck, because I was struggling to visualise dimensions. I think, yes, a 5" screen will do it :) Let's do this! :P
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good prototyping :D
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