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Is it possible to start PicoLisp in a terminal and connect from a second terminal so that you are in the same instance and can access the same loaded functions and data?
Yes, with 'ctty', but iirc a bit tricky
This is used however in bin/pty and psh
Well, not directly in bin/pty but in PilBox (i.e. on the other side)
It would be an interesting function. Then you can edit the same functions and data from two or more terminals and the changes are visible in all terminals. Or you could leave vip open in one terminal, leave the cons cells graphically displayed in another terminal, and set up and test the function in the repl in a third terminal.
Do you use sockets or how does that work?
No, it opens terminal devices
and pty creates a "pseudo terminal"
But working from both at the same time is not possible I think
Ah, too bad. It would be cool if you could start, for example, `pil --daemon`, then get a socket or a session ID and then connect to the running instance from the other terminals with, say, `pil -c session-id`.
It was just an idea of mine to see if it would work. PicoLisp has so many functions that I don't yet know. :-)
bin/psh comes close
I use it on production servers a lot
Connects to a running applicatioÑ
But only one term per (child)process
ie. a running GUI process which had no TTY before that
thanks, I'll take a look at it and see if I can manage it.
Wasn't that hard thanks to your explanation.
psh is really useful. I can connect to a customer's session (after looking up the port and sesID from the log file) and debug it life (eg. while talking to him on the phone)
Yes, that makes perfect sense, especially on production systems, to avoid downtimes.
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abu[7]: The speed of your Pi calculation is impressive. How high, or to what decimal place, is the precision?
It is infinite
runs forever, just gets slower and slower
But I found a minor mistake, will fix tomorrow
After letting the Pi calculation run for a few minutes, I noticed some strange characters. A whitespace, for example, or a `^`.