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<geri> hey, could you remind me how saving environment works when doing catch?
<abu[7]> Basically a memcpy
<abu[7]> (vi 'catch) then click on 'putCaEnv'
<geri> does it copy every single symbol in the system?
<abu[7]> Oh, no ;)
<abu[7]> No symbol at all
<geri> then what is this "env" its copying?
<abu[7]> Click on it
<abu[7]> A set of globals
<geri> some table, hm
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> globals arranged in a single structure
<geri> oh, bind frames too
<abu[7]> yeah
<geri> so when it pops out it unbinds same way as functions do?
<abu[7]> yes
<geri> okay
<abu[7]> and let, use, for etc.
<geri> that makes sense
<abu[7]> bindings, open files etc.
<abu[7]> Perhaps 'throw' in more interesting
<abu[7]> it does the work
<abu[7]> 'unwind'
<abu[7]> Also done in error exit
<geri> is unbinding everything what is "heavy" about catch/throw?
<geri> i guess also saving the env
<abu[7]> Right
<abu[7]> These two
<geri> unwind is scary
<abu[7]> indeed :)
<geri> do you like anything about lexical binding at all? :D
<abu[7]> How do you mean that?
<abu[7]> Hmm, perhaps that closures are implicit?
<geri> you can create them with a function by using gensyms though :D
<abu[7]> Not needed. Just 'job'. But it is explicit (which may be also an advantage)
<geri> not needed, but you can get implicit closures using some helper function a la (closure (X) X)
<geri> closures are really nice for functional composition apparently because of static environment
<abu[7]> As I see it, is a closure the combination of variable bindings with executable code. Why gensyms (= anonymous symbols) then?
<abu[7]> Variables are non-anonymous by nature
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<geri> abu[7]: that's how i found you can emulate lexical scoping in a dynamic binding language
<geri> every symbol gets replaced by a new one with current value when executing
<geri> basically becoming static
<geri> thats from me trying to do static binding that feels as natural as normal functions anyway
<geri> also, do setqs persist even if you throw out of (catch ...), if you modify something introduced from outside?
<geri> (catch "x" (setq 'some-global 5) (throw "x"))
<geri> without quote
<abu[7]> No, globals are not unbound, only if you do it in a 'finally' clause
<abu[7]> Else how should 'throw' know? Every symbol is "global"
<geri> yeah
<geri> you'd need to actually copy every single symbol to know
<geri> and that aint worth it
<abu[7]> right
<geri> do you know, if you throw after some code that mutates variables, does it not get set?
<geri> in java for example
<geri> s/does it not get set/is the variable actually mutated/
<abu[7]> You mean it is not mutated?
<abu[7]> after the code?
<geri> (but in java), basically (let (X 5) (catch 'error (setq X 7) (throw 'error)) X) => 5 or 7?
<abu[7]> In Pil X is it 5. In Java I haven't tried
<abu[7]> hmm, no
<geri> wait, it's 5 in pil?
<geri> should be 7
<abu[7]> it is 7
<abu[7]> Because it is not bound in between
<geri> can you try it in java if not too difficult?
<geri> ill try in python
<abu[7]> I can't compile Java here
<geri> aw
<abu[7]> on my phone
<geri> alrighty
<abu[7]> Is it important?
<geri> no, just curious
<abu[7]> In Pil, X is global when seen in the 'catch' body
<geri> in python x is mutated
<abu[7]> The 'let' is outside
<abu[7]> So same
<geri> probably reasonable default
<abu[7]> Not just default I think. It is natural
<geri> it does feel rather natural honestly
<abu[7]> An assignmet like "x = 7" is not kept track of
<abu[7]> You cannot undo everything that was done
<geri> yeah, especially side effect stuff
<geri> "unprint this please"
<abu[7]> yeah, any side effect
<abu[7]> :)
<geri> oh by the way
<geri> scroll to the picture
<geri> basically a "vector" that has fast access time and insertion, built purely on cons cells
<geri> sounds interesting, even though meant as an immutable data structure
<abu[7]> yep
<geri> maybe cons cells are indeed all you need :D
<abu[7]> Sure :)
<geri> its horrifying, but if you got this "vector", i think you can do a hash map built on top of it
<abu[7]> Cells are a bit overhead in Java
<geri> gonna eat a lot of memory though
<abu[7]> T
<abu[7]> I did that in ErsatzLisp
<abu[7]> One Cell is one object
<abu[7]> A
<geri> yeah, with all the associated meta data
<abu[7]> A Java object has 24 bytes overhead
<abu[7]> iirc
<geri> so 8 bytes in pil21 is 32 in erstaz?
<geri> ersatz
<abu[7]> I think so
<geri> sounds painful
<abu[7]> indeed
<abu[7]> It was for fun only
<geri> i respect your meaning of "having fun"
<abu[7]> :)
<geri> :D
<geri> i think in theory only arrays has a more complete feature set
<geri> but a lot more complexity
<abu[7]> What features do you think of?
<geri> like you can build more out of arrays efficiently
<geri> you get hash maps, vectors, structs and anything else from there
<geri> but then again, more types means more functions you need to maintain, more complexity in general
<abu[7]> I think cells have more "features"
<geri> and gc will need more work too
<geri> abu[7]: cell is just an array of 2 machine words, but a bit smaller cause specialized
<geri> structs are just arrays + some layout system
<geri> hash maps and vectors can just be implemented on top of structs
<geri> its a ton of moving parts for all that power though
<geri> maybe that's the kind of interpreter i gotta write in the end :D
<abu[7]> Based on arrays?
<geri> just symbols, numbers and arrays
<geri> yeah
<abu[7]> I think it is a lot less flewible
<geri> probably doesn't count as a lisp though
<abu[7]> T
<geri> how so? abu[7]
<geri> (brb in ~30 mins)
<abu[7]> ok
<geri> back
<geri> so how are arrays less flexible than cons cells?
<geri> cons-idering you can just have arrays of 2 elements in place of every cons cell and get exact same thing
<abu[7]> I think basing on arrays is not a good idea, Back in 30 mins ;)
<geri> lol okay
<bjorkintosh> CONS-idering.
<bjorkintosh> clever.
<abu[7]> Ret
<abu[7]> bjorkintosh 👍 ☺
<abu[7]> On the language (not implementation) level, if you want to settle for one type, cons cells are a lot more flexible
<abu[7]> Manipulations like passing the CDR
<abu[7]> Consing in front
<abu[7]> With cells you can easily manipulate complex data structures
<abu[7]> With arrays you end up copying lots of stuff
<geri> you can emulate cons cells with arrays though...
<geri> but it may cost 1.5 times if not more of memory per cell
<geri> cause you need metadata for length of an array
<geri> how does language and implementation level differ btw?
<geri> oh i guess like (+ a b) being one array vs it being a linked list (no matter if cells are specifically cons cells or arrays of size 2)
<abu[7]> On the language level cells are much easier, just a single pointer
<abu[7]> With arrays you nesd an index
<geri> yeah, youll at least need to pass an extra arg for index
<geri> and a lot of functions manipulate the ast structure
<abu[7]> It is the cell which makes Lisp such a powerful language
<geri> :D
<geri> i thought it was about user-manipulatable AST
<abu[7]> That's a result ;)
<geri> is it though?
<abu[7]> I think so
<geri> arrays are not as convinient for insertion and such, but you can manipulate them too
<abu[7]> Yes, but not dissect them
<abu[7]> CAR and CDR
<abu[7]> and the second aspect of Lisp
<abu[7]> are symbols
<geri> yeah i cant imagine a lisp without symbols
<geri> :D
<abu[7]> yeah
<abu[7]> like Scheme :D
<geri> well
<geri> imo they're still present, but they're nowhere as "real" as in picolisp
<geri> common lisp actually has a value cell, its used for dynamic variables
<abu[7]> They are just names
<abu[7]> identifiers
<abu[7]> CL has symbols, yes
<abu[7]> and all other Lisps
<abu[7]> Scheme and Clojure are not Lisps
<geri> bold claim
<geri> honestly "being a lisp" means different things for everyone
<abu[7]> True
<beneroth> geri, the essential thing about arrays is that they are a continuous block of memory
<geri> pairs themselves are also continuous in memory
<geri> just 2 machine words stuck together
<beneroth> yes, but linked lists are not