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<tankf33der> morning all
<abu[7]> Moin tankf33der!
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<taleon> Moin all. :-)
<abu[7]> Hi taleon!
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<azynheira> Hi
<azynheira> That is correct, but should it not be able to do a cross-bootstrap like I do in amd64?
<azynheira> In AMD64 I can do make clean and with a precompiled version of pil21 I can rebuild everything
<abu[7]> Hi azynheira! Yes, cross-bootstrap should work
<abu[7]> For me an Arm64 it works too
<abu[7]> Still I don't understand why you can't build it right out of the box
<abu[7]> (the TGZ)
<azynheira> Can you cross-bootstrap in arm64 by doing make clean and using a pil21 binary to build it from scratch?
<azynheira> so rebuilding base.ll ?
<abu[7]> yes
<abu[7]> the 'pil' in Makefile
<azynheira> when I try it ... I get a base.ll with size 0
<abu[7]> PIL = ../pil
<azynheira> and then of course, link errors because the resuling code is not ther
<abu[7]> use the pil from Termux
<azynheira> correct
<azynheira> if you can do it, then I am doing something wrong
<abu[7]> But the Termux pil is not needed if you start from existing base.ll
<abu[7]> Just 'touch' it if it is not newest
<abu[7]> if eg. from github
<abu[7]> clone destroys timestamps
<abu[7]> git clone
<azynheira> I know ... but thats exactly whats not working
<abu[7]> Strange
<azynheira> the cross-compilation
<abu[7]> It is not a cross compilation
<azynheira> no, sorry, the bootstraping
<azynheira> rebuilding pil from pil
<abu[7]> What if you just tar and make?
<azynheira> that might work, I have not tried it
<azynheira> but I use the pil from 24.12.31 to rebuild the newer versions from 2025
<abu[7]> tar xfz pil21.tgz; cd pil21/src; make
<azynheira> that might work yes
<abu[7]> What is the error you get?
<azynheira> need to get proper debug traces to you
<azynheira> give me a second
<abu[7]> good
<abu[7]> Initially I even used pil64 to build pil21
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<azynheira> It was my fault, dont know what I was doing wrong, but its working fine.
<abu[7]> Oh, cool! :)
<azynheira> If I use the Temux version it works fine
<azynheira> I was using a proot distro before, I dont know if that could be the problem.
<abu[7]> I see
<azynheira> Thanks for your help :-)
<abu[7]> Welcome :)
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